Saturday, August 15, 2020

மீ டூ காலம்! என்னடி எப்படி இருக்க? (32)


வாழ்க்கையில் என்ன உங்களூக்கு வேணும்? எதுவுமே கிடைக்காதவரைக்கும் அதன் மதிப்பு அதிகம். கிடைத்துவிட்டால்? No big deal.

அமெரிக்கா வரனும்


க்ரீன் கார்ட் வாங்கனும்


சிட்டிசன் ஆகனும்


இப்போ சந்தோசமா இருக்கியா? பிரச்சினைகள் இல்லையா?

அதுதான் இல்லை. 

இன்னும் அதே புலம்பல்தான்


நல்ல வேலை வேனும்?

நல்ல வேலை, 6 டிஜிட் சாலரி வேலை கெடைச்சாச்சு

நல்ல கார் வாங்கனும்

லெக்சஸ் இல்லைனா ஒரு பெண்ஸ் வாங்கியாச்சு

இப்போ சந்தோசமா இருக்கியா? பிரச்சினைகள் இல்லையா?

அதுதான் இல்லை. இன்னும் புலம்பல்தான்


கல்யாணம் பண்ணினால் இவளப்போல ஒரு ஹாட் கேர்லத்தான் கட்டனும்.

எப்படியோ அவள கல்யாணம் செய்தாச்சு

அவளோட வாழவும் செஞ்சாச்சு.

இப்போ சந்தோசமா இருக்கியா?

அவள் இப்போ மாறிட்டா, இல்லையா? she is not that hot girl anymore. Right?


இதெல்லாம் நம்மைச் சுத்தி நடக்கும் உண்மை சம்பவங்கள். Thats what life is all about

As you can see, NEVER ENOUGH! Until you die!.

 திருப்தி கெடையாது. 

புத்தர் புரிந்து கொண்டார்.No matter what you get, it is never enough. He tried to explain. These hindu religious mother fuckers tried to make him as villain too! Anybody goes against their stupid religious beliefs, they will make him as a villain. It does not matter whether it is Budhdha or Jesus or Gandhi or Periyaar.


"Caro! Do you know, I like Jesus?"

"I did not think you would like Christianity"

"Hey, I like Jesus I said, because he realized we are all sinners. I never said I like Christianity. I am supposed to be a Hindu. Because my parents were Hindus. I don't like hinduism either. That's for fucking Brahmin morons! They are all brain-dead"


"I dont know. They are all full of garbage. I dont understand their extreme fanaticism towards this religion. It is just another fucking religion with full of bullshit if you analyze it carefully "

"Every religion falls in that category"

"Of course. I never said other religions are better."

"Why do you like Jesus?"

"I told you, bitch. He realized that we are all sinners including Jesus himself"

"He never said, he was a sinner as far as I know"

"He was born and brought up here. He did not die as a newborn. Right?"


"I dont see how can anyone have a life without doing sins. It is as simple as that"

"What do you mean?"

"Did he eat meat or fish ever?"

"He may have"

"Is that not a sin? Killing animals and eating them? Everyone wants to live. Nobody has a right to kill other life whether it is animal or bacteria. So, Jesus can not be someone who never committed any sin because he was surviving in the world"

"People might get offended"

"I know. I have nothing against him. All I am saying is it is impossible to live without committing sins. It is possible only if you die as a newborn"

"People those who born and die as newborn are not sinners at least?"

"They did not harm anybody yet, right? Knowingly?"

"So, according to you, you harm someone unknowingly, it is not a sin?"

"Well, thats what I think. You are going for jogging. You step on a bug and killing it but you did not know you killed that. How can anybody can blame you?"

"I see, what you mean"

 "Here is a situation. I was in the Coffee room, two girls in the next conference room.They were screaming. I went in, and checked what the hell is going on.  it was Michelle and Lisa. They were screaming because there was a cockroach on the floor.. Michelle is saying, "Oh my God, it is disgusting". She wanted to get rid of it. I had to step on it and kill that. I did it saying I am murdering a poor life today"

"You killed it?" 

"I stepped on it and killed it. The point is, not about killing. The reaction from Michelle. She was keep saying it is DISGUSTING. I was thinking it is just another being in the earth. Some cockroach might find that attractive and make love with that. But for humans like Michelle, it is disgusting. May be cockroach will find Michelle as disgusting monster. We dont care about what a cockroach is thinking. You should have seen her reaction"

"People will laugh at you if you say cockroach might find Michelle a disgusting monster" 

"Do I care?"

"Of course you dont"

"Thats what white people did during slavery. They found black people as disgusting. They treated them like animals. Right? But they had sex with some black girls and had mixed race children"

"Ha ha ha"

"It is happening even in India. The so called high class guy will not mind having sex with so called low class girls. I never understand this"

"What about untouchability?"

"According to this idiots, fucking is not touching. It is just fucking I guess"

"Ha ha ha, you are hilarious"

"It is true, they wont touch the low-class people, find disgusting but they will fuck them. IDIOTS!!"

"What will they say if you ask them?"

"I dont fucking know. They may say, they dont know what is fucking. They will come up with some lies. They can't think. I told you, they are all brain-dead!"

-to be continued

Relax please

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