Wednesday, August 19, 2020

மீ டூ காலம்! என்னடி எப்படி இருக்க? (33)


சப்போஸ் ரஷ்யா வாக்சின் அல்லது சைனா வாக்சின் வொர்க் ஆகுதுனு வச்சுக்குவோம். யு கே, அமெரிக்கா, மற்ற மேலை நாடுகள் எல்லாம் ஓப்பன் மைண்டுடன் அந்த வாக்சினை ஏற்றுக்கொள்வார்களா? என்பது என்னுடைய கேள்வி.

எனக்கு பதில் தெரியும். :)

முதலில் வெளிவரும் எந்த வாக்சினும்       பர்ஃபெக்டாக இருக்கப் போவதில்லை. நெறையா இம்ப்ரூவ்மெண்ட் தேவை இருக்கும். அதனால் ஒரு வாக்சினில் குறை கண்டுபிடிப்பது எளிது. அது யாரு கண்டுபிடித்தாலும்  சரி.

அமெரிக்கா வந்த புதிதில் இவர்கள் எல்லாம் ஓப்பன் மைண்டெட்னு நான் நினைத்ததுண்டு. ஆனால் அதே ஒப்பீனியன் எல்லாம் இன்றைக்கு இல்லை. நிறைய கழிவுகளும் இங்கே இருக்கிறது.

ஒரு மாணவன் சரியான பதில் எழுதி அதற்கு க்ரிடிட் கொடுக்காமல் இருந்த ப்ரஃபசரிடம் ஆர்க்யூ பண்ணி தோத்ததும் உண்டு. இங்கேயும் ஏகப்பட்ட முட்டாக்கூதிகளும் ப்ரபஸரா ஓட்டிக்கிட்டுத்தான் இருக்கானுக. அதனால மேலை நாட்டிலுள்ளவன் எல்லாம் ஓப்பன் மைண்டெட் நம்ம ஊர்லதான் எல்லார்ம் க்ளூஸ்ட் மைண்டெட்னு நினைக்கும் நினைப்பை சரி செய்தாகிவிட்டது. உலகம் முழுவதும் இதே எழவுதான்.


"Can I ask you something?"

" About what? Your ass?"

"Ha ha ha, No!"

"I thought you are going to ask about your look. Thats what girls care about"

"I know I am beautiful and sexy"

"Dont get cocky, sweetheart"

"I am not. You only distracted me."

"Go ahead"

"You complain so much about US, then why are you here?"

"Good question. I am attracted to white chicks like you. That's why?"

"Ha ha ha"

"They are fucking hot and beautiful"

"So, you are saying you are living here just for fooling around with me"

"Yeah. You have got a problem with that?"

"You were happy with Suneeta too? Right?"

"How would you know?"

"So, you dumped her to get into my pants?"

"I made her to dump me because I dont think she ever loved me"

"What was it then?'

"Just infatuation or hormones or just girls need someone for security reason. They dont want to be lonely"


"They dont even know that. Thats the pity"

"So, you know everything about girls, huh?"

"Of course"

"You did not answer my question"

"Idk, I thought this country is better but I am not sure now"

"You realized after you became a naturalized citizen?'

"Yeah, it is too late. I am stuck here. I cant go back now"

 "You dont want to?"

"When I have a beautiful chick like you, why do I want to go back. May be if you dump me, I may"

"I am not going to dump you"

"You dont know. Every couple got married in US were in madly in love with each other. Later, love disappears, they get divorce, Right?"

"Where did the love go?"

"I think there was only a limited amount of love just like heavy metal like Gold. After sometime the love goes from an older couple to another new couple"

"Ha ha ha"

 "Caro! Earth revolves around Sun. Right?"


"Sun revolves around what?"

"Milky way, they say"

"What is that? Are you kidding me?"

"No, it is a galaxy or something. Apparently Sun has to revolve around something. Right?"

"Yeah. if earth and all the planets revolves around something. Then sun has to revolve around something else"

"What do we have in Sun?"

"They say it has just mostly hydrogen and helium gases undergoing nuclear fusion  reactions and generating enormous heat. Hydrogen nucleus combine to for helium nucleus or alpha particle"

 "Helium nucleus or alpha particle?'

"He nucleus is alpha particle!"

"Is there radioactivity?"

"Of course, if we reach closer, we are dead"

"Is Sun God's creation?"

"Ha ha ha"

"Some people believe everything were created by God including Sun"

"Idk who created Sun but God was created by us. I am sure about that at least. So God evloved only after human evolved"

"Ha ha ha"

"It is true"

"There are lots of unknowns. Right?'

"Of course. So, everything is created by God and why?"


"OK, let me be fair. Earth is created by God. Fine, So be it. Why does God create, Jupiter, Venus, and Pluto?'

"Like I said, there are lots of unknowns"

"That answer will fit for any question. When there is an unknown, it can be answered as "God's will" . Only he knows why  or such bullshit"

"How did human come up with God, according to you?"

"Idk, out of fear? You think animals believe in God?"

"Ha ha ha"

"Why are you laughing bitch? It is a genuine question!"

"I dont know"

"What does Christianity or other religions say?'

"I think they believe animals are created for human use?"

"Really? Corona viruses are using human (lungs) for their use. Right? Lion and Tiger will feed their cubs with human flesh too. Animals are created for human use is BS. Humans are useful to animals too"

"One can believe whatever they want. Right?"

"It does not make any sense to me"

"That's your belief"

"I dont believe in anything"


"Here is something for you. Let us say every element formed from hydrogen. How did hydrogen form?"

"Ha ha ha, God created it"

"OK, hydrogen or protons combines to form He nucleus and energy. What if all the hydrogen combined and formed He. Does He ever get cleaved to form Hydrogen nucleus in SUN as well? Otherwise, it seems like all hydrogens are getting consumed and He being generated. The proportion of He keep increasing..It is hard to maintain the ratio"

"God knows the answer"

"Stop it, Caro!"

"Why? God theory works for everything!"

"I want to know how hydrogen is always available in sun? Where does it come from? Do you have an answer?"

"I will look it up!"

"I looked it up. I could not find an answer. Good luck!"

"You are not the first one to think like that, I guess?"

"Did you think about it?"

"Of course not"

 "Why not?"

"Idk, you are just weird"


 -to be continued 

Relax please


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