Monday, August 24, 2020

மீ டூ காலம்! என்னடி எப்படி இருக்க? (34)


In a swimming pool, a child is drowning and dying. The grandfather tried to save the drowning child but he did not know how to swim, he died with her too. The child's mom tried to save her but she did not know swimming either, she died too. 

We read about it. What do we do?

Some people move on. But it bothers some people all their life, every time they think about it.

We have both kind of people. As far as the victim family is concerned, they do not know these two kinds of people exist or who they are. Does it matter whether one takes it to their heart and feels the pain or the other one who does not care and move on?

Anyway, the grandfather and mother could have lived not trying to save the child, but the "pain of their inability to save the drowning child" will torture them all their life. One could say, it is good that they killed themselves. They dont have to feel guilty torturing themselves everyday.

They are gujarathi people. Obviously religious people, could be Hindus. They believe in Hindu God. How are they going to deal with their God now after this loss? That's a question pops up in my mind!  Idk the answer to it. Because God never makes any sense to me.

I strongly believe believers handle such tragedy better than I am.

People say, it is Karma as they can not rationalize why such a tragedy happened!

Some people say, God is cruel at that moment and then they will try please the cruel God again. Because they dont have anywhere to go!

Some say nature is cruel. 

Some say it is fate. 

Some do not spend time thinking about this incident as they are busy with their own problems. 

 Lot of times, it is what it is, we can not do anything about it. Things can not be controlled by us.

What was the real problem?

There was fatal error! 

Got a house with huge swimming pool filled with water but most of them living in the house do not know swimming! 


Corona virus kills humans. People are trying to find vaccine to solve this issue. 

Before Penicillin was discovered, people were dying of bacterial infections. Before TB vaccine BCG was invented people were dying of TB infection. Before small pox vaccine was discovered, people were dying of small pox virus.

However, nature is resourceful. There may be a simple solution for every problem. Some drug may be available in nature. We are "blind" to see that. We know very little. We did not know the structure of benzene for hundreds of years. Benzene looked like benzene always. So, the solutions are already there. We are just blind. and ignorant.

Vaccine is just one solution. That's not the only solution.

There are plenty of unknown solutions.

Penicillin was naturally available even when millions were dying. We did not know until it was discovered.

Taxol, the anti-cancer drug, was naturally available too for thousands of years. We just did not know.

We are just ignorant to know the available sources in the resourceful nature.

Some humans claim that we are the best? Especially one do not have any scientific knowledge. A businessman rather. It is funny! He is a clown! Not everyone can identify the clowns either.

Are you thinking? Or just not wasting your time thinking! It does not matter. I really dont know which kind is better. It all depends on who you are and what makes you happy.


Tell you what, I have a friend, any time we go on a trip or hiking or swimming or fishing, we have to split the money we spent together, suppose we spent $100. It needs to be split into $50 for each. 

My friend would be happy if he paid $45 and I pay $55. It is not that he is poor or anything. Thats what makes him happy.

There is another friend, who would be happy if he pays $60 and I pay only $40.

All kinds of people to make the world.

Silly things make people happy. That's what I see in my life.



"So, when are you going to take a break from me, bitch?"

"I dont know. I would be bored if you are not around at least for now"

"Go, find another chick to have fun together"


"Yeah, I thought you are "bi"?

"Ha ha ha"

"You know why I said that?"


"I would be happy if you dump me for a girl rather than a guy"

"oh my God!! You are unbelievable"


"I dont know. Your thoughts are so weird"



"You know something?"


"I can keep talking trash like this"

"It is not trash. I like it"

"What do you mean, you like it?"

"Now I am thinking why did you say what you said"


"I think it is interesting thought"

"What is so interesting about it?"

"Guys always think of another guy, not a girl, when they are dumped "

"No ideas are original"

"Meaning what?"

"This is 21st century. It is not uncommon, a girl dumping a guy for another girl"


"Have you seen You've got mail, an old classic?"

"Of course"

"In that, Tom Hanks dad will say, his girl friend dumped him for another woman"


"My idea is not original, I am saying"

"You are weird"


"I know people who want to take credit for everything. You are quoting the original reference. You dont have to"

"Thats what makes me happy. I am selfish"

"Again, your reason is weird as well. Idk what it is but you are different"

"Hi, what do you wearing?"

"Why? It is a skirt of some sort. I wear it when I am home"

"Really?. Let us see"

"What do you doing?. Leave my skirt, cheap bastard"

"You are not wearing any panties or what?'

"Ha ha ha. I am not, kind of warm here"

"Now I am curious. Were you sweating here too?"

"No!! Stop it"

"I am not going to. Let me check"

"You are pinching me"

"Does it hurt, darling?'

"Ha ha ha"

"Does it hurt? I was gentle"

"Nope! You turn me on, bastard"

"Why are you so weak?"

"What do you mean?"

"You should not get turned on when someone molesting you?"

"It is depends on who that is"

"Who am I?"

"You are a sweet son of a bitch"

"Cut it out, Caro!"

"You started it, Mr, rapist"

"OK, I was telling this girl about how to learn chemistry"

"Who is that girl?"

"It is a high school kid, Dont worry!"


"I told her it is hard for me to teach basic chemistry"


"Because I am not strong in teaching basics. She was making me dig deep into the subject"

"You are not interested?"

"Let me explain, bitch"


"Let us take periodic table. What do we have in it?"


"Thats the whole universe"

"What do you mean?"

"The whole universe is made of those elements present in the periodic table. You and me, planets, sun and everything. Right?"


"Let us take hydrogen"


"Atomic number 1. Atomic weight 1."


"Helium. Atomic number 2, atomic weight 4. Now Lithium. Atomic number 3, atomic weight 6"

"So? What is the point?"

"Why hydrogen atomic number and weight are same? But not helium?" Student asked..I said, "hydrogen does not have any neutron. But helium has 2". Again, student asked, "Why? Hydrogen can have one neutron?" I say, Idk why, that's how hydrogen is. She says, "there should be a reason". I said, "Sure, but Idk why"

"Ha ha ha. She gave you hard time?"

"Not really. I have asked these questions myself and so I was happy she is thinking like me"

"Then what?"

"I tried to explain, Hydrogen has three isotopes, protium, deuterium and tritium. The most abundant one is protium which has only one proton. Deuterium has proton and neutron but its abundance is pretty low. We call that hydrogen put all the isotopes together"

"Now you have to explain what is an isotope?"

"Exactly. I started explaining what is an isotope. Proton, neutron, electron, atomic number, mass number She is bright and she understood. But I could not teach her much for two hours because of digression"

"She wasted her money on you"

"Probably. It is hard to teach if the student is thinking a lot. Also they cant go too far"


"Who discovered electrons?"

"JJ Thomson"

"That you can teach. But  now if the student asks, "How did he discover?" You are in big trouble"

"Ha ha ha"

"You will start teaching physics now in order to explain how he generated cathode rays or electron beam. Moreover I am not kamal haasan to know everything"

"Who is that?"

"Another idiot, who wants to pretend like he knows every fucking thing. The point is I dont know that much physics"

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her, in a vacuum tube, you have positive and negative electrodes. Immediately she goes, What is positive and negative electrode. How do you make them?"

"Ha ha ha"

"She digs deep and deep on every word comes out of my mouth. I said if you  have two metal plates one at  higher temperature and other at lower temperature. One is positive and other one is negative"

 "Is that true?"

"Better be"

"Why did not you explain as it says in the book"

"Book says there is voltage applied. Then I will have to start teaching what is voltage"

"Ha ha ha"

"Who is that girl?"

"Some white kid" 

"You think she will become a big shot in the future"

"That's hard to say. Lots of bright people go nowhere and lots of idiots become big shots too. You never know"

-to be continued

 அந்தக்காலத்தில் எல்லாரும் ஏன் எம் சி ஆர் படம் விரும்பி பார்த்தாங்கனு பார்த்தால் எம் ஜி ஆர் பட பாடல்கள் எல்லாம் அப்பட்டமான "சாஃப்ட் போர்ன்" மாதிரி இருக்கு! 

நம்மாளுகள் ரசனைக் கேற்றார்போல எம் சி ஆர்  போர்ன் கொடுக்கிறார்! ஹீரோயினைத் தடவி எடுக்கிறார், இந்த மஹான்!

Idk whether you are going to relax or jerk off watching this!


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