Monday, May 25, 2020

மீ டூ காலம்! என்னடி எப்படி இருக்க? (19)

கதைக்கு சம்மந்தம் இல்லாத முன்னுரை:

இந்தியாவிலும் கொரோனா வைரஸ் ஓரளவுக்கு வேகமாகப் பரவுவதுபோல் தெரிகிறது. சார்ஸ் வைரஸ் இதுபோல் பரவவில்லை. ஜப்பான், சவுத் கொரியா, தைவான் போன்ற நாடுகள் அளவுக்கு இந்தியாவில் பரவவிடாமல் தடுத்து நிறுத்த முடியவில்லை.

பரவினால் என்ன? உயிரிழப்பு ஒன்னும் அதிகம் இல்லையே? னு நினைத்துக் கொள்ளலாம்.

India active cases: 150,800

People died : 4200

US active cases: 1.8 million

US death: 98,650

அமெரிக்காவில் வாழ்க்கைத் தரம் பெட்டர், சுகாதாரம் நல்லா இருக்கும்னு  கம்ஃபோர்ட் அதிகம்ன் என்னைப் போல் இங்கே வாழ வந்தவர்கள எல்லாம் பார்த்து கொரொனா வைரஸ் "யாரு சொன்னா?" னு சிரிக்கிது.

ஒரு சில அமெரிக்க வாழ் இந்தியர்கள் இந்த சூழலில் அமெரிக்காவுக்கு சப்போர்ட்டாக நியாயம் பேசுறாங்க. என்னைப் பொருத்தவரையில் இதெல்லாம் எங்களுக்குத் தேவைதான்னு தோனுது.

"இந்தியாவில் ஆயிரம் பிரச்சினைகள் இருக்கு, அங்கே இருந்து காந்திமாரி வாழ்ந்து சுடுபட்டு சாகாமல் இப்படி தப்பிச்சு அமெரிக்கா வந்த நாதாரிகளூக்கு இந்த நிலைமை தேவைதான்.  சாவுங்கடா!" னு அங்கே உள்ளவர்கள் நினைப்பதில் எந்தத் தவறும் இல்லைனுதான் எனக்குத் தோனுது.

அங்கே வாழ்றவங்க அமெரிக்க வாழ் இந்தியர்கள் பரிதாப நிலையைப் பார்த்து அழனும்னு எதிர்பார்ப்பதெல்லாம் ரொம்ப அதிகம்- என்னைப் பொருத்த வரையில்.

"Why dont you come to my apartment? I am getting bored here."

"OK, Honestly I am getting bored to death. I will be there right away, Caro"


"Come in. I missed you!" she gave him a hug.

"New relationship is exciting for a while, Caro!. Not for long" he spanked her ass gently.

"You are such a pessimist. I hate when you talk like this"

"You are correct. I am but I am realistic too"

"Whatever. I don't care"

"I am going to annoy you like this, Caro, so that you will find a better guy"

"Ha ha ha, May be it won't work with me"

"Why not?"

"It is cultural difference."

"Because  you are a white chick, huh?"

"Yeah!  I am not an Indian. I think differently. So, whatever you are trying to annoy me, may not work with me"

"Can I ask you something?"

"You are going to ask even if I say that I am not interested"

"It is true. I am not a good listener."

"I think students need to listen. Professors don't need to"

"Why not?"

"They listened enough when they were students. They may be tired of listening"

"I think American education system is so fucked up, Caro"

"Really? Why?"

"They teach all the simple problems and solved examples in the classroom. They give all the challenging problems as home work or assignment. I wonder whether they can solve the problems themselves which they give to students"

"You think they cant solve any challenging problems?"

"I don't know. You think they really solve all the problems they give as home work? I don't think so. They have access for solution manual"

"What do you say?"

"It is not their problem anymore. So, students learn only some simple concepts from their teaching. The challenges are their own headache. They also get the exam questions from question bank. They dont set the questions based on what they teach in class room either"

"But the whole world thinks our education system is the best?"

"Here is how we set a question. What is chemical symbol for Gold?

a) Go,

b) Gd

c) AU

d) Ag

e) Au

"Yeah,  multiple choice"

"Why are we having multiple choice questions for every fucking thing? Why cant you just ask, what is symbol for Gold? There is no need for multiple fucking choice."

"Why do they do that?"

" Because we dont want to evaluate the answers themselves spending our fucking time. We want "scantron" to do that part. So, we convert everything to multiple choice questions. It does not matter whether it is organic chemistry or genetics. They fuck up a lot when they convert organic chemistry to multiple choice questions. They dont care! They do it because it makes their life easy. It is all about fucking money"


" We can have 500 students in a organic chemistry class and collect millions of dollars as registration fees. How much we pay for a Professor? And how much fees we collect from 500 students? We dont intend to teach, Caro! We are using education to make money. Now the fucking Indians fucked up their system following American fucked up system. Because they always follow what America does"

"So, multiple choice questions are designed to make more money?"

"Of course. I realized this very recently. We think everything based on money. It is all about fucking money"

"You are becoming anti-American now?"

"No, I am just looking at ourselves and trying to understand what we really are"

"What's wrong with multiple choice questions?"

"I like asking, "What is the symbol for Argon?" and look for the answer "Ar". If the student answers AR instead, I want to correct him. I want to tell him/her a chemical symbol can be a single capital letter or a capital letter followed by small letter. It can never be two capital letters"

"The same thing a multiple choice question can teach too"

"I don't think so. We don't want to teach anything, Caro. We want to make money. We start educational institution to make money. Look, what is happening in India? following our system. All private Institutions are being run for making money. Because they always go after Americans' ass"

"I thought they hate America!"

"They do, but they follow every fucking thing Americans do. Today, Indian education Institutions are money-making machines. Do you know how much money fb, twitter and whatsup make from Indians?"

"It is not free"

"That's where the real trick is. It looks free. But fb, twitter and whatsup collect money from internet providers. These idiots pay them through their internet provider and phone providers. They are too stupid to realize that."

"They must be knowing"

"No, they dont know anything. They criticize America using fb and whatsup by paying money."

"Are they spending lot of time?"

"You wont believe it. Like oxygen, they can not live without these. They use at least 5 times more than you and I use"

"How do you know?"

"All my relatives are active all the time. I am not making up. It is true."

"It is amazing, the way we make money"

"We are the best in business!"

- to be continued

Relax please

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

மீ டூ காலம்! என்னடி எப்படி இருக்க? (18)

கதைக்கு சம்மந்தம் இல்லாத முன்னுரை:

கொரோனா வைரஸால் இதுவரை ஏற்பட்ட உயிரிழப்புகள்

அமெரிக்கா: 91,000

இங்கிலாந்து :34,600

ஃப்ரான்ஸ்: 28,100

ஸ்பெயின்: 27,650

இட்டலி: 31,900

 ஜெர்மனி: 8,000

ரஷ்யா: 2700

ஜப்பான்: 744

சவுத் கொரியா: 263

ஆஸ்ட்ரேலியா: 99

இந்தியா: 3100

பாகிஸ்தான்: 900

பங்ளாதேஷ்: 350

இந்தோனேஷியா: 1200

இந்த டேட்டா என்ன சொல்லுது?

இந்த வைரஸால் அதிகம் உயிரிழப்பு அடைந்த நாடுகள்தான் வெள்ளையர்கள் நிறைந்த உலகில் முதல் தர நாடுகள் மற்றும் நாங்கதான் சூப்பர் பவர் என  சொல்லும் நாடுகள்.

இந்த நோய் ஒரு ஒட்டுவார் ஒட்டி.

இதுபோல் முதல் தர நாடுகள்தான் சுத்தம், சுகாதாரம் என அடித்துக்கொள்ளும் நாடுகள். மேலும்  இவர்கள் ஒருத்தரை ஒருத்தர் நம்பாமல் ஒதுங்கி நின்னு பேசும் கலாச்சாரம் பெற்ற நாடுகள். ஒரு ஒட்டுவார் ஒட்டி கோவிட் 19 எப்படி இதுபோல் சுத்தம் சுகாதாரம் நிறைந்த நாடுகளில் அதிக கவனம் செலுத்தும் நாடுகளில்  இப்படி ஒரு உயிர் சேதத்தை ஏற்படுத்துகிறது என்பது புரியாத புதிர்.

அமெரிக்காவில் இப்போ ஸ்டே-அட்-ஹோம்-ஆர்டரை, ரிலாக்ஸ் செய்றாங்க.


வைரஸால் பாதிக்கப் படுப்பவர்கள் எண்ணிக்கை குறைந்து விட்டதா?

அதுதான் இல்லை!

விஞ்ஞானி அறிவுரைகளை எல்லாம் வியாபாரிகள், அரசியல்வாதிகள் கேட்பதில்லை. அவர்கள்தான் இந்த நாட்டை கண்ட்ரோல் செய்றாங்க.

வெள்ளக்காரன்னா அறிவாளி னு நெனச்சுடாதீங்கப்பா. ஏகப்பட்ட முட்டாப்பயளுக இருக்கானுக வெள்ளயர்களில்.

நேற்று விஸ்கான்சின்ல  ரி--ஓபன் செய்த "பார்" ஒன்னைக் காட்டினாங்க. அவன் அவன் சந்தோசமாக மாஸ்க் இல்லாமல், டிஸ்டன்ஸும் இல்லாமல் குடிக்க வந்து இருக்கார்கள். குடிதான் இவனுக வாழ்க்கை. சந்தோசம் எல்லாமே. அல்கஹால் அருந்தாமல்  இவனுகளால் வாழ முடியாது. இவனுக வசதிக்கு அல்கஹால் உடலுக்கு நல்லதுனுகூட (ரெட் வைன்ல ஒரு சில ஆண்ட்டி ஆக்சிடெண்ட்ஸ் இருக்கு, அது நல்லது) தியரிகூட விடுவானுக.

Well, prescribed drugs, marijuana, alcohol, porn are the vital for western culture. They would die without that! India is marching towards them as if they are their role model.


"Whats up?"

"Not much, Caro!"

"Call me, please!"

"என்னடி கரோ! எப்படி இருக்க?"

"வாட்? You speak in Taamil"

"Ha ha ha I asked, How are you?"

"I am good. How are you?"

"Bored to death"

"When are we allowed to go back to work?"

"If we are not essential workers, we go back very slowly. First, start as part-time, then slowly full-time I believe"

"Are we not essential?"

"Apparently not"

"Who are those essential workers?"

"Doctors, I mean physicians, nurses, people who work in restaurants, grocery shops like walmart, target, costco, samsclub etc"

" I hear the alcohol sales went up 60% more!"

"Yeah, people are depressed and so consume lots of alcohols"

"Social distancing does not seem to work well in crowded states like New york, New Jersey"

"I wonder why? It works in countries like Japan and S. Korea?"

"People here will say that they are lying"

"I dont think Japan and S; Korea are lying. It is funny, we like to distance ourselves when we are not asked to do so. Now we dont want to distance ourselves"

"Seems like it is the greatest economic depression in America"

"Interesting times. You should be happy, Caro, we are living in such a time"

"Yeah, we cant live without internet, phone, tv. Got used to so much comfort. Now this virus is messing up our comfort"

"Let us talk something else"

"Your turn"

"I will ask questions, you will give me answers"


"Which amino acid does not have a chiral center?"



"See I know chemistry"

"Of course. Which cell in our human body does not have a nucleus?"

"I think it is red blood cells"

"Yes! I just learned that recently, Caro. I thought all cells have a nucleus"

"Good. I was correct"

"Of course, What are stem cells?"

"Stem cells are the ones which can differentiate to any kind of cell, like muscle cell, immune cell, neuron etc"

"What is cell differentiation?"

"You know mitosis? Cell division? One cell will divide into two cells. It will be exactly same cell. same kind. But cell differentiation means, one cell (a stem cell) can make different kind of cells like muscle cell, neuron etc"

"How does it do that?"

"I think it will turn on some genes and turn off some other genes depending on what cell it wants to make. whether a muscle cell or a cardiac cell or a liver cell. It controls the gene expression depending on what kind of cell it wants to make"

"You are a smart ass Caro!"

"Ha ha ha My turn now"

"Go on, shoot"

"What is the latest technology used for cutting DNA?"


"What was the technology used before CRISPR?"

"RNAi? RNA interference?"

"What's the difference?"

 "The RNAi controls or silences the gene expression targeting the mRNA. But CRISPR targets the DNA to control the gene expression"

"Now you know molecular biology, huh?"

"Just learning. I always loved biology. I was told chemistry is a better subject to find a job and so went to do chemistry"

"Do you feel bad?"

"Not really. Because of the chemistry background I have, I understand biology better than you are"

"No, you don't"

"Yes, I do"

"Like what?"

"I look at things differently. You know citric acid cycle?"

"In what way?"

"Do you know the structure of citric acid?"

" I think so"

"We study citric acid as it is a meso compound"

"What is meso?"

"It is an achiral molecule and so optically inactive"

"OK? Yeah it does not have a chiral center"

"However,  the two terminal carboxylic acid groups are nonequivalent in Citric acid cycle"

"Are they not?"

"They are equivalent for a chemist. I had been taught that way but"


"In citric acid cycle, they are not equivalent. It has been reported already"


"I think one terminal is bound to an enzyme and the other terminal is not. That makes them nonequivalent. It is not my discovery. It has been reported"

"And your point is?"

"The biochemistry books do not address this issue at all"

"Is that a mistake?"

"I think they should. Even the professors who teach biochemistry do not address that either. Idk what the fuck they really know."


"I dont know, They are biochemists.  May be they dont know that much chemistry"

"How do you know? They dont address this in their lectures?"

"I talk to students who take biochemistry. They have never been taught."


 "Ha ha ha.All kinds of students I interact with. Girls and boys too"

"They say what?"

"They say that they were not taught anything like that. They think I am crazy"

"Ha ha ha why?"

"All they want is an "A" grade in the exam. They dont care whether citric acid has an ass or a head"

"Ha ha, Should they?"

"Idk, I would. The point is, the way I look at things is different from others including your butt"

"Jesus! Is that good or bad?"

"Idk, Caro"

"Your way is high way?"

"I did not say that. But I am sure I am not the only one who thinks like that. It is just that it should be addressed while teaching to students both in biochemistry book and by the professors when teaching"

"But they just want an A to get into medical school, to become a doctor?"

"Yeah, to make more money so that they can afford to buy a huge house, and a BMW and a BENZ and so"

"Are you jealous?"

"Idts. House is for living. Cars are for driving to places where we wish to go. Anyone can afford that in America. People do all these things because they have too much money and the want let others know they are rich. They have got to find a way to show others that they are rich. They dont want to show their bank balance. That's how they can. What difference it makes your friend or brother is rich and owns a mercedes or a corvette? It is his fucking car. What is there for me?"

"Are they silly?"

"Idk, The point is, it only matters to them. It gives them pleasure showing the world that they are rich"

"May be they want comfort"

"It is all relative, Caro. Nobody is happy no matter how much they make or how much they can afford. They always look at someone richer than them and want to become like them. Also, they look down on people with "lower status"."

"How do you know?"

"I know what human beings are. I am living in this world. They are around me everywhere. What makes people happy is that, they just want to be better than others, Caro. In money, in look, in knowledge blah blah. It is as simple as that. But they can not be better than others in everything. Thats the pity! There is a down side for everyone"

"It is a long lecture filled with chemistry, biology and philosophy? How much does it cost me?"

"I guess I bored you?"

"No, you did not"

"Hey, take it easy"

"I will"

-to be continued.

relax please

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

மீ டூ காலம்! என்னடி எப்படி இருக்க? (17)

கதைக்கு சம்மந்தம் இல்லாத முன்னுரை:

கொரோனா வைரஸால் சைனா பாதிக்கப் பட்டபோது, ட்ரம்ப் மட்டுமல்ல நம்ம பதிவுலகில்கூட பலர் "எவன் செத்தா நமக்கென்ன?" அதுவும் சைனாக் காரன் செத்தால் நான் எதுக்கு அழணும்?  என்பதுபோல் ஒரு ஆட்டிட்டூட்தான் பார்க்க முடிந்தது.

சைனீசோ, இந்தியனோ அல்லது அமெரிக்கனோ நாம் அனைவரும் மனித இனம். இந்த வைரஸ் கோவிட்19 மனித இனத்தைத் தாக்குகிறது என்று பார்க்க இயலவில்லை. அப்போவே  இதை ஒரு பொதுப் பிரச்சினையாக பார்த்து, இப்போ இழந்ததில் நூற்றில் ஒரு பங்கு (பில்லியன் டாலர்கள்) செலவழித்து சைனாவை உலக நன்மையைக் கருதி அப்படியே லாக் டவுன் பண்ண சொல்லியிருந்தால், அதேபோல் சைனாவும் இதற்கு தலையசைத்திருந்தால் இந்த நிலைமை ஒருபோதும் வந்து இருக்காது.

உண்மை என்னவென்றால் நாடுகளுக்கு இடையில் உள்ள பாலிட்டிக்ஸ், போட்டி, பொறாமை, கெட்ட எண்ணம், சாதாரண படிப்பறிவில்லா காட்டுமிராண்டிகளின் இடையில் உள்ள பாலிடிக்ஸ விட மோசமானது, கீழ்த்தரமானது. இந்த உண்மையை  நீங்க கொஞ்சம் உலக பாலிடிக்ஸை கவனித்துப் பார்த்தால் கண்கூடாக பார்க்கலாம்.

சும்மா மனிதம் ஜீசஸ், அல்லா, இவன் ஆத்தானு பொய் வேடம் போட்டுக்கொண்டு தத்துவம் பேசிக்கொண்டு அலையும் சுயநலப்பிரியர்கள் தான் இவ்வுலகில் என்றுமே அதிகம். எதையும் ஆழ யோசிக்க மூளையோ அல்லது திறந்த மனதோ இவர்களிடம் கிடையாது.  நாம் சாகும்வரை இதே கூட்டத்தைத்தான் தொடர்ந்து பார்ப்போம்.

பொது நலம் கருதி திறந்த மனதுடன் ஒரு பிரச்சினையை கவனித்து சிந்திக்க எல்லாம் இங்கே யாருக்கும் பெரிய மனசோ பெரிய கண்ணோட்டமோ இல்லை. கேவலம் நாம எல்லாருமே சாதாரண மனிதர்கள் தானே?

இப்போ இந்தியா பாதிக்கப் பட்டதும், தமிழ்நாட்டிலும் சாகிறார்கள் என்றவுடன் குய்யோ முறையோனு ஒப்பாரி வைத்து நாளைக்கு ஒரு பதிவு எழுதி புதிய பதிவுலக வியாபாரத்தைத் துவங்கி இருக்காங்க .

யோசிச்சுப் பாருங்க! நீங்கள் ஒரு எழவுக்கு கொட்டடிக்கிறவன்,அல்லது பிணத்தை புதைப்பவனாக நாம் இருந்தால்? நாம் ஏன் அப்படி இருக்கப்போறோம்? என்று ஈனப்பாப்பான் சிந்திப்பதுபோல் சிந்திக்காமல், தன்னையும் பலரிடத்தில் நிறுத்திப் பார்க்கக் கத்துக் கோங்க! ஆக அந்நிலையில் நாம் இருந்தால், இன்னைக்கு எவன் சாவான்? எவனாவது செத்தால்த்தானே  நம்ம பிழைப்பை ஓட்டலாம்னுதான் நம் மனநிலை இருக்கும்.  அந்த வேலையில் இருப்பவனுக்கு மற்றவன் செத்தால்தான் பிழைப்பு ஓடும். நிற்க! அவனுக்கும் உங்களுக்கும் ரொம்ப வித்தியாசம் எல்லாம் இல்லை. அப்படி நீங்கள் உங்களை உயர்வாக நினைத்துக் கொண்டால் அது உங்கள் அறியாமை. உங்களுக்கு நீங்கள் செய்யும் பாவங்கள் தெரியவில்லை என்றே அர்த்தம்.


"Good morning!"

"What time it is?"

"11 am. I took a shower already. You are still asleep?

"I am just dozing off. Sorry, Caro. It is all your fault. You did not let me sleep until you cooled down"

"Ha ha ha. It is not me."

"Then who?"

" It is all hormones. Blame it on hormones. I am just a decent girl"

"Yeah, right! Blame it on somebody or something!"


"Let me get ready" he went to the bathroom.


" You want some cereal and milk and I got some pomegranate juice?'

"That would be great, Caro"

"Check out the news! So, the curve does not flatten. All this social distancing don't seem to work"

"Yeah, the death curve is like your ass, Caro, it will never flatten it seems. It is becoming more curvy everyday"

"Oh my God! you are hilarious"

"You were amazing, last night Caro!"

"So were you"

"Did you hear? Now they are going to open the country again. Let us improve the fucking economy at the expense of deaths?"

"Well, people need to pay the bill, mortgage, and need a pay-check"

"So, we  have come to a point. What the fuck, let us face it. After all,  not everyone dies. Lots of people survive..hmm"

"That's right"

"Actually, dying is not such a bad thing. This world is completely fucked up.You know it, I know it but we don't want to die. We don't want to get the fuck out of this fucking world! I wonder why?"

"You tell me, why?You are the one who comes up with strange answers"

"I dont know. All I know is we don't want to die and meet with the fucking God as early as we can"

"Ha ha ha"

"Is that not what people say? Once you die you can meet the God? And he is going to decide whether you are going to heaven or hell or a completely boring place, worse than hell"

"Now you discovered a new one besides, heaven and hell?"

"It does not make any fucking sense at all"

"Then why are you talking about God, heaven and hell"

"Trust me, I have analyzed this. I talk about this because I have always been wondering about people who believe in such bullshit"

"Disbelief does not get us anywhere either. Does it?"

"Now you started thinking like me"

"May be, after last night, your DNA got into my system and replaced all mine? That's why I talk like you?"

"Could be. You know what? I am glad I broke up with Suneeta"

"I thought she broke up with you?"

"Does it matter? I would not have gotten into a close relationship with you otherwise.I may have got stuck with her all my life"

"Ha ha ha. that;s correct. So am I, glad too"

"Ha ha"

"Tell me something. Do Indians look down on white people?"

"It is complicated"

"What do you mean?

"You cant stereotype Indians and their fucking prejudices There is a spectrum of people. There are sluts, pimps, cowards, half-baked morons and also people like Budha. We have got all kind of people."

"Are there many people like you? I mean, having thoughts similar to yours?"

"Honestly I am a fucking weirdo. Not many people care or worry about things I care about"

"Do you care about me?"

"Of course, I get attached to people easily with whom I interact a little bit"

"Is that good or bad?"

"It is both"

"Is there anything in the world, which is only good and no bad at all?"

"I dont know. Good and bad are just perspectives right?  Now everyone says the Coronavirus is bad. As if we are all good people!"

"Are the viruses are not bad?'

"This world is not just belong to fucking humans. It is for all lives. We kill anything for our survival. So are the Coronavirus."

"So, if it kills you then it is not bad?"

"What good I did to this world, Caro?"

"I don't know"

"Nothing. I dont do anything good to this world. Why am I so important?'

"You made me come several time last night. So you are good to me at least "

"You are such a bad girl Caro"

"Am I?  All I remember is you were saying "you are a sex god, Caro!" Was it a dream?"

"I said you are such a bitch in bed"

"That was a compliment, actually"

"Look at you, I was talking about this world, now you dragged me into your world, actually your ass. This is what we are"

"Hi I really had a good time with you. Thank you!"

"I thought it is all just hormones. Not you and me"

"Ha ha ha. You are funny"

-to be continued

relax please