நான் இப்போல்லாம் யாருக்கும் அட்வைஸ்லாம் பண்றதில்லை. உண்மை என்னனா எல்லோருக்கும் நம்மலவிட எல்லா விசயமும் அதிகமாத் தெரியுது. அதனால், அந்தப் பக்கம் போகாதீங்க ஒரு புதைகுழி இருக்குனு சொல்றதில்லை. ஒண்ணு ஏற்கனவே புதைகுழியிலே விழுந்து எழுந்தவனா இருக்கான், இல்லைனா புதை குழிய தோண்டியதே அவனாத்தான் இருக்கான். அவன்ட்ட போயி எதுக்கு அறிவுரைலாம் சொல்லிக்கிட்டு?
நியு ஜேர்சில, ஒரு பணக்கார குஜராத்ல இருந்து வந்து அமெரிக்கால குடியேறிய குடும்பத்தில் 3 பேர் மரணம். வீட்டில் உள்ள நீச்சல் குளத்தில் நீச்சல் தெரியாத சிறுமி ஆழத்திற்கு போக உணர்ச்சி வேகத்தில் அவளை காப்பாத்த போன நீச்சல் தெரியாத தாத்தா, நீச்சல் தெரியாத அம்மா மூவரும் இறந்து விட்டார்கள்! அந்த அப்பா நிலையை நினைத்துப் பார்த்தால் நெஞ்சு பதை பதைக்கிது.

இந்த செய்திய விசு தளத்தில் படிச்சிட்டு, என்ன நடந்ததுனு பார்த்தால்.. நம்மை அந்த தந்தையின் நிலையில் வைத்துப் பார்த்தால் கஷ்டமா இருக்கு.
என் நண்பன் ஒருத்தன் இருக்கான். ஹி இஸ் நாட் "எம்பத்தெடிக்". டேய் இவன் செத்துட்டான்டா னு சொன்னா, அப்படியா? சாரி டு நோ"னு சொல்லீட்டு போயிட்டே இருப்பான். அதுபோல்தான் வாழணும். வாழ கத்துக்கனும். தனக்குனு வரும்போதுமட்டும் அழணும். ஆனால் நம்ம நினைப்பது போல் நாம் வாழ இயலாது. "ஐ ஆம் எம்பதெட்டிக்". என்னை மூட் அவுட் செய்த, விசுவை பிடிச்சு கட்டி வச்சு அடிக்கணும். இல்லைனா விசு தளத்துக்குப் போன என்னைத்தான் அடிக்கணும்.
நான் யாரையும் "ஜட்ஜ்" பண்றதா இல்லை. இப்படி செய்து இருக்கலாம், அப்படி வாழ்ந்து இருக்கலாம்னு. ஏன்னா நாளைக்கு நமக்கே இந்த நிலை வரலாம். நாம் அனைவருமே கவனக் குறைவாதான் வாழ்கிறோம். லக்கிலி நாம் இதுபோல் ஒரு சூழலில் மாட்டிக்கொள்ளவில்லை- இந் நாள் வரைக்கும்.
கொரோனா வைரஸ்க்கு பயந்து வீட்டிலேயே இருக்கலாம்னு ஸ்விம் பண்ண போனா.. இப்படி முடிந்து இருக்கு.
"Guess what..I saw Laura y'day. She looked cute"
"Yeah, She lost 20 pounds or so"
"She did not seem like mad at me anymore. "
"Why? What did she say?"
"Nothing. She smiled at me"
"Did you say anything like, "You look skinny now or something, this time?"
"Ha ha ha. I did not. She is not my friend anymore. May be I will say something like that to you when you gain weight"
"I need to thank her"
"For what?"
"She helped me to get closer to you. You remember? I told you that you offended her and you started justifying it"
"I did not justify, I said I was honest. I did not know, being honest is offensive in America. We have to lie"
"It is not lying"
"Yeah, right."
"It is being polite"
"Why do we have to be polite?"
"Because we may hurt others if not"
"I dont hurt nobody, the truth hurts and I am sorry, Caro, you guys are so fake"
"You want to fight with me today?"
"Yeah, I want to break up with you so that I can look for another girl. Someone fresh"
"Why? You got bored with me already?"
"You are still interesting but someone fresher would be better"
"So, I can also start looking for another guy or a girl too?"
"Yeah, that would be wise. Caro! Why do gay girls break up with each other? I thought such a "combo" will go good for ever"
"Why not?"
"I mean what sort of problems they will have?"
"Money issue or sex issue or trust issue"
"Sex issue?"
"Yeah, one girl can be selfish. I am not going to get into details"
"Why not?"
"Because I don't know."
"You have never slept with another girl?"
"Nope. Have you slept with another guy?"
"I am not gay."
"Neither am I"
"I dont get attracted to guys. I thought girls are different?"
"What are you saying? All girls are gay or what?"
"Ok, Tell me about the blood groups. You studied about that. Right?"
"Yeah but long time ago"
"I heard people those who have o+ blood group are little bit safer against coronavirus infection."
"I read it somewhere. What blood group are you?"
"AB positive"
"I am O positive. Universal donor. You are universal recipient it seems! How many blood groups are there? Four? Correct?"
"Yeah, A, B, AB and O"
"What does the Rh positive or negative mean?"
"I think it is Rhesus factor?"
"Rhesus factor is another protein, I guess"
"Is that an antigen or antibody?"
"It is an antigen. Here you go"
"It looks like an antibody to me, the y shape. Never mind"
"Our erythrocytes might have this Rh antigen or might not have"
"So if one has this protein in the red blood cell surface, it is called Rh positive?'
"Exactly, some people do not have this protein in the red blood cell, that is Rh -ve"
"OK, the hard part is done. Tell me about blood groups"
"First let me tell you about blood. Blood has four components, Red blood cells which carry oxygen, White blood cells which fight against any pathogens, platelets and plasma"
"What is plasma?"
"Plasma is like "water". It does contain lots of water and important proteins and enzymes and antibodies. It is another big world"
"What are platelets?"
"It is some disk-shaped particles, it is like cell but does not have a nucleus in it. It is involved in blood clotting whenever you a have a cut or scratch and bleeding. It helps stopping it by clotting"
"If one has low platelet count, he/she will be in trouble?"
"Of course, it is a problem because your blood wont clot and your bleeding wont stop if you dont have enough platelets"
"Let me get back to ABO groups. Biology is fucking vast. It goes on and on like this. It is hard to focus on one fucking thing"
"Ha ha ha but it is very true"
"So, there are four blood groups? A, B, AB and O and this Rh factor. You explained me the Rh factor. Now let us get into blood group"
"Look at this first!"

"I looked at them, Go on, please"
"Ok, our red-blood cells have antigens and plasma has antibodies. "A blood group", has antigen A on the RBC, antibody B in the plasma." "B blood group" erythrocytes has antigen B on them, antibody A in the plasma."
"I thought antigens are like pathogens which are coming from outside or exogenously and antibody is what our immune system will have"
"That's correct. These antigens are kind of specific molecules which help recognizing foreign cells"
"So, if a person with A positive blood, has antigen A and antibody B and Rh factor present (+), receives blood group B, that will be considered as a pathogen by his immune system?"
"Yes, that will be a disaster. He will die of it"
"What kind of molecules are they?"
"I think they are macro molecules . Proteins or Carbohydrates or may be both together. Honestly I dont know"
"Here is where my problem is. Biologists usually dont care, what kind of molecules are antigens and what kind are antibodies but people like me focus on things like this and get digressed. Every time I study something, I get into something else which is unimportant"
"That is not unimportant, it is important too"
"I looked it up, it seems like there is some change in sugars, one has galactose and the other one has aminoaceylgalactose"
"The problem for us is that I cant see like the way you see the molecules. You are a chemist"
"There are pluses and minuses in it. Knowing the structure is only my own pleasure, I cant tell anybody. It is just like looking at your curves and corners when you are naked"
"Are they beautiful?"
"Of course. You got the best"
"I think we should get married and have bunch of kids"
"You know something, my genes will be dominant, the kids' skin color will be dark like me"
"That would be wonderful"
"Your parents will be ok with that? Marrying an Indian"
"It is my life. I choose my husband. Not them"
"Why dont you marry a white guy?"
"They are boring. I dont get attracted to them anymore"
"Can you put up with me for life long"
"I think so but we have to live and see"
"Here is the deal. Suppose you dont like me later for whatever reason, we can live separately and meet once in a while. You should not marry or date anybody. I would do the same"
"Meeting for what?"
"Just for chatting about whats going on at your end and we can sleep together but no sex"
"Ha ha ha"
"Sleep in the same bed but no sex?"
"Yeah. I can do that"
"Really? What if you touch me when sleeping"
"I wont"
"I know how to make you rape me"
"I will say something like..Dont try to fuck me when I am sleeping? You understand cheap bastard?"
"That will make me really mad"
"May be I will start kissing you all over your body"
"That's rape"
"Only if you dont like it"
"I would not like it"
"How would you know? May be you would be sex-starved then? I will really behave like a gentleman when I meet you and make you feel guilty for dumping me"
"I think you can. You are a man after all"
-to be continued
relax please