Monday, August 3, 2020

மீ டூ காலம்! என்னடி எப்படி இருக்க? (28)


அமெரிக்கர்கள் எல்லாம் வீரர்கள். உயிருக்கு பயந்த கோழைகள் இல்லை. இந்த சாதாரண வைரஸ் எங்களை என்ன செய்துவிட முடியும்னு அதனுடன் மல்லுக்கு நிக்கிறாங்க.  அமெரிக்காவில் கொரோனா வைரஸ் இந்தளவுக்கு பரவியதற்கு காரணம், அமெரிக்கர்கள் பயந்து பயந்து வாழ விரும்பவில்லை என்பதே காரணம்.

வெள்ளைக்காரன்னா புத்திசாலிகள். வாழத் தெரிந்தவர்கள். மூடப்பழக்க வழக்கங்களில் நம்பிக்கை இல்லாதவர்கள்னு நீங்க ஏதாவது கற்பனை பண்ணி இருந்தால், அமெரிக்கர்களைப் பத்தி தெரிஞ்சுக்கோங்க.

மாரல்ஸ் எல்லாமே பண அடிப்படையில்தான். ஒரு பக்கம் சிகரெட்டை ஒழிக்கணும்ம்னு போராடுவதுபோல் போராடுவாங்க. இன்னொரு பக்கம் கஞ்சாவை லீகலைஸ் செய்தால் எவ்வளவு சம்பாரிக்கலாம்னு கணக்குப் போடுவாங்க.

இப்போ நம்ம ஊரிலேயே மதுவிலக்கை ஏன் எந்த ஒரு அரசாங்கமும் அமல்படுத்த மாட்டேன்கிறது? முக்கிய வருமானமே அதிலிருந்துதான் வருது.
ஆக பாவப்பணம்தான் நாடுகளை வாழ வைக்கிது. இன்டஸ்ட்ரியல் ரெவொலுஷந்தான் இன்றைய கேன்சர்களுக்கு காரணம். ஜெனட்டிக் ரெவொலுஷனுடைய விளைவுகள நாம் இன்னும் காணவில்லை.

ஆக அடிப்படை பிரச்சினை யாருனு மனிதர்களும் அவர்கள் வாழ வழிவகுக்கும் வழிமுறகளும்தான் அவன் அழிவுக்கு வித்திடுகிறது. இதையெல்லாம் யோசிக்க எவனுக்கும் நேரமில்லை. People are busy making money for survival! Or watching porn! Or drinking for relaxing!

Work! Money! Sex! These are the three things  drive everyone's life!


"Hey! I was reading about Brigham Young, the Prophet"

"What about him?"

"Well, He was believing in polygamy and such"

"Go on, I am not a mormon"

"Brigham Young had too many wives..I think 55 or so. I dont understand. Why do all women marry one guy as if there are no other men in the world?

"He was a Prophet. A powerful guy."

"What do you mean by powerful guy, Caro? Did he have multiple dicks? Can he fuck 10 women at a time or what?"

"Ha ha ha"

"I am serious bitch. What the fuck you mean by powerful guy?"

"First of all, I am not defending him or mormons' life style'"

"I know"

"He had lots of followers. People respected him. He could make lots of people to believe in him"

"Hmm. Actually, I was thinking more rationally"


"I was thinking..May be, there were lots of women and only few men in their place and, that made them to marry several women?"

"I really dont know. I dont think that was the reason for marrying several women"

"He did not force them. Right?"

"I think they are all wanted to marry him"

"Thats fucking crazy. Dont you think women dug their own grave and now blaming men for that?"

"That's your perspective"

"Should we blame him or we should blame the women who married him?"

"I think we should keep off from this affair. It is their problem"

"Even in India, women believe in these kinds of "human Gods".I have seen guys who married several women in India"


"Marry one women. Have children. Then leave her. And marry another young woman and live with her and have children and then marry another woman. Besides that they sleep with some whores too. I know men like that"

"Is he a powerful guy"

"Of course. Had money and muscle power and political power as well"

"So, you have seen Brigham Young kind in India?"

"Yes, I did know such a guy when I was growing up. In  my own hometown. I also know his wives used to sleep around as well. They have needs, you see"


"I dont know. People have needs. Not just men. Women too. Men are stupid and weak"

"Ha ha ha.  Are you saying men are weaker sex?"

"Of course, they are indeed"

"Like what?"

"Let us a take you and me. You are a hot white bitch. Suppose you are really really horny. Want to get laid. I think you can easily tempt me to go to bed and get what you wanted. I am just an easy prey for bitch like you"

"Ha ha ha"

"I am serious. Also, if I am in your situation, you can also say, "No" and justify "No means no" You see, I am weaker than you "

"Stop it. You do know how to seduce me and get what you want"

"I never seduced you"

"You turn me on when you call me white bitch."




"I dont know why. I like it"

"Why do you like it?"

"Somehow it makes me feel that I am special to you. Thats why I let you treat me like your whore"


"I think you are trying to seduce me by calling white bitch"

"I thought you would dump me for calling you like that"

"Try something else. This wont work. I think I told this several times"

"There was something else about that guy"



"What is it?"

"He believed that slavery is not wrong. What kind of Prophet he was?!!"


"Thats what they say. He justified slavery..

Young said in an 1852 speech, “In as much as we believe in the Bible ... we must believe in slavery. This colored race have been subjected to severe curses ... which they have brought upon themselves

 Young stated: "Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so

"What can I say?"

"Well, he stinks just like any other religious goon"

"Of course, there is no exception. But it continues"

"They quote bible and holy books but they dont understand very basic things that we should treat others they way we wish  to be treated"

"I dont understand this either"

"Religion never allows people to think, Caro! They become stupider and stupider following religion and prophets like this"

"It was long time ago"

"It does not matter how long ago. They knew how to treat their own people. They only dont know how to treat others fairly. All these praying and preaching are TOTAL WASTE"

-to be continued

Relax please


கிரி said...

சித்தாடை கட்டிக்கிட்டு பாடல் மிகப்பிரபலமான பாடல். தற்கால தலைமுறையினர் அறிந்திராத பாடல்.

தற்போது இது போலப் பாடல்கள் வருவது பெரிய விஷயமில்லை ஆனால், அப்பவே இது போலக் கலக்கி இருக்கிறார்கள் என்பது வியப்பாக உள்ளது.

இதில் உள்ள துள்ளலான உற்சாகமான வித்யாசமான இசையே இதன் வெற்றி.

பகிர்வுக்கு நன்றி வருண்.

வருண் said...

Thanks for stopping by Giri! :)