Monday, August 24, 2020

மீ டூ காலம்! என்னடி எப்படி இருக்க? (34)


In a swimming pool, a child is drowning and dying. The grandfather tried to save the drowning child but he did not know how to swim, he died with her too. The child's mom tried to save her but she did not know swimming either, she died too. 

We read about it. What do we do?

Some people move on. But it bothers some people all their life, every time they think about it.

We have both kind of people. As far as the victim family is concerned, they do not know these two kinds of people exist or who they are. Does it matter whether one takes it to their heart and feels the pain or the other one who does not care and move on?

Anyway, the grandfather and mother could have lived not trying to save the child, but the "pain of their inability to save the drowning child" will torture them all their life. One could say, it is good that they killed themselves. They dont have to feel guilty torturing themselves everyday.

They are gujarathi people. Obviously religious people, could be Hindus. They believe in Hindu God. How are they going to deal with their God now after this loss? That's a question pops up in my mind!  Idk the answer to it. Because God never makes any sense to me.

I strongly believe believers handle such tragedy better than I am.

People say, it is Karma as they can not rationalize why such a tragedy happened!

Some people say, God is cruel at that moment and then they will try please the cruel God again. Because they dont have anywhere to go!

Some say nature is cruel. 

Some say it is fate. 

Some do not spend time thinking about this incident as they are busy with their own problems. 

 Lot of times, it is what it is, we can not do anything about it. Things can not be controlled by us.

What was the real problem?

There was fatal error! 

Got a house with huge swimming pool filled with water but most of them living in the house do not know swimming! 


Corona virus kills humans. People are trying to find vaccine to solve this issue. 

Before Penicillin was discovered, people were dying of bacterial infections. Before TB vaccine BCG was invented people were dying of TB infection. Before small pox vaccine was discovered, people were dying of small pox virus.

However, nature is resourceful. There may be a simple solution for every problem. Some drug may be available in nature. We are "blind" to see that. We know very little. We did not know the structure of benzene for hundreds of years. Benzene looked like benzene always. So, the solutions are already there. We are just blind. and ignorant.

Vaccine is just one solution. That's not the only solution.

There are plenty of unknown solutions.

Penicillin was naturally available even when millions were dying. We did not know until it was discovered.

Taxol, the anti-cancer drug, was naturally available too for thousands of years. We just did not know.

We are just ignorant to know the available sources in the resourceful nature.

Some humans claim that we are the best? Especially one do not have any scientific knowledge. A businessman rather. It is funny! He is a clown! Not everyone can identify the clowns either.

Are you thinking? Or just not wasting your time thinking! It does not matter. I really dont know which kind is better. It all depends on who you are and what makes you happy.


Tell you what, I have a friend, any time we go on a trip or hiking or swimming or fishing, we have to split the money we spent together, suppose we spent $100. It needs to be split into $50 for each. 

My friend would be happy if he paid $45 and I pay $55. It is not that he is poor or anything. Thats what makes him happy.

There is another friend, who would be happy if he pays $60 and I pay only $40.

All kinds of people to make the world.

Silly things make people happy. That's what I see in my life.



"So, when are you going to take a break from me, bitch?"

"I dont know. I would be bored if you are not around at least for now"

"Go, find another chick to have fun together"


"Yeah, I thought you are "bi"?

"Ha ha ha"

"You know why I said that?"


"I would be happy if you dump me for a girl rather than a guy"

"oh my God!! You are unbelievable"


"I dont know. Your thoughts are so weird"



"You know something?"


"I can keep talking trash like this"

"It is not trash. I like it"

"What do you mean, you like it?"

"Now I am thinking why did you say what you said"


"I think it is interesting thought"

"What is so interesting about it?"

"Guys always think of another guy, not a girl, when they are dumped "

"No ideas are original"

"Meaning what?"

"This is 21st century. It is not uncommon, a girl dumping a guy for another girl"


"Have you seen You've got mail, an old classic?"

"Of course"

"In that, Tom Hanks dad will say, his girl friend dumped him for another woman"


"My idea is not original, I am saying"

"You are weird"


"I know people who want to take credit for everything. You are quoting the original reference. You dont have to"

"Thats what makes me happy. I am selfish"

"Again, your reason is weird as well. Idk what it is but you are different"

"Hi, what do you wearing?"

"Why? It is a skirt of some sort. I wear it when I am home"

"Really?. Let us see"

"What do you doing?. Leave my skirt, cheap bastard"

"You are not wearing any panties or what?'

"Ha ha ha. I am not, kind of warm here"

"Now I am curious. Were you sweating here too?"

"No!! Stop it"

"I am not going to. Let me check"

"You are pinching me"

"Does it hurt, darling?'

"Ha ha ha"

"Does it hurt? I was gentle"

"Nope! You turn me on, bastard"

"Why are you so weak?"

"What do you mean?"

"You should not get turned on when someone molesting you?"

"It is depends on who that is"

"Who am I?"

"You are a sweet son of a bitch"

"Cut it out, Caro!"

"You started it, Mr, rapist"

"OK, I was telling this girl about how to learn chemistry"

"Who is that girl?"

"It is a high school kid, Dont worry!"


"I told her it is hard for me to teach basic chemistry"


"Because I am not strong in teaching basics. She was making me dig deep into the subject"

"You are not interested?"

"Let me explain, bitch"


"Let us take periodic table. What do we have in it?"


"Thats the whole universe"

"What do you mean?"

"The whole universe is made of those elements present in the periodic table. You and me, planets, sun and everything. Right?"


"Let us take hydrogen"


"Atomic number 1. Atomic weight 1."


"Helium. Atomic number 2, atomic weight 4. Now Lithium. Atomic number 3, atomic weight 6"

"So? What is the point?"

"Why hydrogen atomic number and weight are same? But not helium?" Student asked..I said, "hydrogen does not have any neutron. But helium has 2". Again, student asked, "Why? Hydrogen can have one neutron?" I say, Idk why, that's how hydrogen is. She says, "there should be a reason". I said, "Sure, but Idk why"

"Ha ha ha. She gave you hard time?"

"Not really. I have asked these questions myself and so I was happy she is thinking like me"

"Then what?"

"I tried to explain, Hydrogen has three isotopes, protium, deuterium and tritium. The most abundant one is protium which has only one proton. Deuterium has proton and neutron but its abundance is pretty low. We call that hydrogen put all the isotopes together"

"Now you have to explain what is an isotope?"

"Exactly. I started explaining what is an isotope. Proton, neutron, electron, atomic number, mass number She is bright and she understood. But I could not teach her much for two hours because of digression"

"She wasted her money on you"

"Probably. It is hard to teach if the student is thinking a lot. Also they cant go too far"


"Who discovered electrons?"

"JJ Thomson"

"That you can teach. But  now if the student asks, "How did he discover?" You are in big trouble"

"Ha ha ha"

"You will start teaching physics now in order to explain how he generated cathode rays or electron beam. Moreover I am not kamal haasan to know everything"

"Who is that?"

"Another idiot, who wants to pretend like he knows every fucking thing. The point is I dont know that much physics"

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her, in a vacuum tube, you have positive and negative electrodes. Immediately she goes, What is positive and negative electrode. How do you make them?"

"Ha ha ha"

"She digs deep and deep on every word comes out of my mouth. I said if you  have two metal plates one at  higher temperature and other at lower temperature. One is positive and other one is negative"

 "Is that true?"

"Better be"

"Why did not you explain as it says in the book"

"Book says there is voltage applied. Then I will have to start teaching what is voltage"

"Ha ha ha"

"Who is that girl?"

"Some white kid" 

"You think she will become a big shot in the future"

"That's hard to say. Lots of bright people go nowhere and lots of idiots become big shots too. You never know"

-to be continued

 அந்தக்காலத்தில் எல்லாரும் ஏன் எம் சி ஆர் படம் விரும்பி பார்த்தாங்கனு பார்த்தால் எம் ஜி ஆர் பட பாடல்கள் எல்லாம் அப்பட்டமான "சாஃப்ட் போர்ன்" மாதிரி இருக்கு! 

நம்மாளுகள் ரசனைக் கேற்றார்போல எம் சி ஆர்  போர்ன் கொடுக்கிறார்! ஹீரோயினைத் தடவி எடுக்கிறார், இந்த மஹான்!

Idk whether you are going to relax or jerk off watching this!


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

மீ டூ காலம்! என்னடி எப்படி இருக்க? (33)


சப்போஸ் ரஷ்யா வாக்சின் அல்லது சைனா வாக்சின் வொர்க் ஆகுதுனு வச்சுக்குவோம். யு கே, அமெரிக்கா, மற்ற மேலை நாடுகள் எல்லாம் ஓப்பன் மைண்டுடன் அந்த வாக்சினை ஏற்றுக்கொள்வார்களா? என்பது என்னுடைய கேள்வி.

எனக்கு பதில் தெரியும். :)

முதலில் வெளிவரும் எந்த வாக்சினும்       பர்ஃபெக்டாக இருக்கப் போவதில்லை. நெறையா இம்ப்ரூவ்மெண்ட் தேவை இருக்கும். அதனால் ஒரு வாக்சினில் குறை கண்டுபிடிப்பது எளிது. அது யாரு கண்டுபிடித்தாலும்  சரி.

அமெரிக்கா வந்த புதிதில் இவர்கள் எல்லாம் ஓப்பன் மைண்டெட்னு நான் நினைத்ததுண்டு. ஆனால் அதே ஒப்பீனியன் எல்லாம் இன்றைக்கு இல்லை. நிறைய கழிவுகளும் இங்கே இருக்கிறது.

ஒரு மாணவன் சரியான பதில் எழுதி அதற்கு க்ரிடிட் கொடுக்காமல் இருந்த ப்ரஃபசரிடம் ஆர்க்யூ பண்ணி தோத்ததும் உண்டு. இங்கேயும் ஏகப்பட்ட முட்டாக்கூதிகளும் ப்ரபஸரா ஓட்டிக்கிட்டுத்தான் இருக்கானுக. அதனால மேலை நாட்டிலுள்ளவன் எல்லாம் ஓப்பன் மைண்டெட் நம்ம ஊர்லதான் எல்லார்ம் க்ளூஸ்ட் மைண்டெட்னு நினைக்கும் நினைப்பை சரி செய்தாகிவிட்டது. உலகம் முழுவதும் இதே எழவுதான்.


"Can I ask you something?"

" About what? Your ass?"

"Ha ha ha, No!"

"I thought you are going to ask about your look. Thats what girls care about"

"I know I am beautiful and sexy"

"Dont get cocky, sweetheart"

"I am not. You only distracted me."

"Go ahead"

"You complain so much about US, then why are you here?"

"Good question. I am attracted to white chicks like you. That's why?"

"Ha ha ha"

"They are fucking hot and beautiful"

"So, you are saying you are living here just for fooling around with me"

"Yeah. You have got a problem with that?"

"You were happy with Suneeta too? Right?"

"How would you know?"

"So, you dumped her to get into my pants?"

"I made her to dump me because I dont think she ever loved me"

"What was it then?'

"Just infatuation or hormones or just girls need someone for security reason. They dont want to be lonely"


"They dont even know that. Thats the pity"

"So, you know everything about girls, huh?"

"Of course"

"You did not answer my question"

"Idk, I thought this country is better but I am not sure now"

"You realized after you became a naturalized citizen?'

"Yeah, it is too late. I am stuck here. I cant go back now"

 "You dont want to?"

"When I have a beautiful chick like you, why do I want to go back. May be if you dump me, I may"

"I am not going to dump you"

"You dont know. Every couple got married in US were in madly in love with each other. Later, love disappears, they get divorce, Right?"

"Where did the love go?"

"I think there was only a limited amount of love just like heavy metal like Gold. After sometime the love goes from an older couple to another new couple"

"Ha ha ha"

 "Caro! Earth revolves around Sun. Right?"


"Sun revolves around what?"

"Milky way, they say"

"What is that? Are you kidding me?"

"No, it is a galaxy or something. Apparently Sun has to revolve around something. Right?"

"Yeah. if earth and all the planets revolves around something. Then sun has to revolve around something else"

"What do we have in Sun?"

"They say it has just mostly hydrogen and helium gases undergoing nuclear fusion  reactions and generating enormous heat. Hydrogen nucleus combine to for helium nucleus or alpha particle"

 "Helium nucleus or alpha particle?'

"He nucleus is alpha particle!"

"Is there radioactivity?"

"Of course, if we reach closer, we are dead"

"Is Sun God's creation?"

"Ha ha ha"

"Some people believe everything were created by God including Sun"

"Idk who created Sun but God was created by us. I am sure about that at least. So God evloved only after human evolved"

"Ha ha ha"

"It is true"

"There are lots of unknowns. Right?'

"Of course. So, everything is created by God and why?"


"OK, let me be fair. Earth is created by God. Fine, So be it. Why does God create, Jupiter, Venus, and Pluto?'

"Like I said, there are lots of unknowns"

"That answer will fit for any question. When there is an unknown, it can be answered as "God's will" . Only he knows why  or such bullshit"

"How did human come up with God, according to you?"

"Idk, out of fear? You think animals believe in God?"

"Ha ha ha"

"Why are you laughing bitch? It is a genuine question!"

"I dont know"

"What does Christianity or other religions say?'

"I think they believe animals are created for human use?"

"Really? Corona viruses are using human (lungs) for their use. Right? Lion and Tiger will feed their cubs with human flesh too. Animals are created for human use is BS. Humans are useful to animals too"

"One can believe whatever they want. Right?"

"It does not make any sense to me"

"That's your belief"

"I dont believe in anything"


"Here is something for you. Let us say every element formed from hydrogen. How did hydrogen form?"

"Ha ha ha, God created it"

"OK, hydrogen or protons combines to form He nucleus and energy. What if all the hydrogen combined and formed He. Does He ever get cleaved to form Hydrogen nucleus in SUN as well? Otherwise, it seems like all hydrogens are getting consumed and He being generated. The proportion of He keep increasing..It is hard to maintain the ratio"

"God knows the answer"

"Stop it, Caro!"

"Why? God theory works for everything!"

"I want to know how hydrogen is always available in sun? Where does it come from? Do you have an answer?"

"I will look it up!"

"I looked it up. I could not find an answer. Good luck!"

"You are not the first one to think like that, I guess?"

"Did you think about it?"

"Of course not"

 "Why not?"

"Idk, you are just weird"


 -to be continued 

Relax please


Saturday, August 15, 2020

மீ டூ காலம்! என்னடி எப்படி இருக்க? (32)


வாழ்க்கையில் என்ன உங்களூக்கு வேணும்? எதுவுமே கிடைக்காதவரைக்கும் அதன் மதிப்பு அதிகம். கிடைத்துவிட்டால்? No big deal.

அமெரிக்கா வரனும்


க்ரீன் கார்ட் வாங்கனும்


சிட்டிசன் ஆகனும்


இப்போ சந்தோசமா இருக்கியா? பிரச்சினைகள் இல்லையா?

அதுதான் இல்லை. 

இன்னும் அதே புலம்பல்தான்


நல்ல வேலை வேனும்?

நல்ல வேலை, 6 டிஜிட் சாலரி வேலை கெடைச்சாச்சு

நல்ல கார் வாங்கனும்

லெக்சஸ் இல்லைனா ஒரு பெண்ஸ் வாங்கியாச்சு

இப்போ சந்தோசமா இருக்கியா? பிரச்சினைகள் இல்லையா?

அதுதான் இல்லை. இன்னும் புலம்பல்தான்


கல்யாணம் பண்ணினால் இவளப்போல ஒரு ஹாட் கேர்லத்தான் கட்டனும்.

எப்படியோ அவள கல்யாணம் செய்தாச்சு

அவளோட வாழவும் செஞ்சாச்சு.

இப்போ சந்தோசமா இருக்கியா?

அவள் இப்போ மாறிட்டா, இல்லையா? she is not that hot girl anymore. Right?


இதெல்லாம் நம்மைச் சுத்தி நடக்கும் உண்மை சம்பவங்கள். Thats what life is all about

As you can see, NEVER ENOUGH! Until you die!.

 திருப்தி கெடையாது. 

புத்தர் புரிந்து கொண்டார்.No matter what you get, it is never enough. He tried to explain. These hindu religious mother fuckers tried to make him as villain too! Anybody goes against their stupid religious beliefs, they will make him as a villain. It does not matter whether it is Budhdha or Jesus or Gandhi or Periyaar.


"Caro! Do you know, I like Jesus?"

"I did not think you would like Christianity"

"Hey, I like Jesus I said, because he realized we are all sinners. I never said I like Christianity. I am supposed to be a Hindu. Because my parents were Hindus. I don't like hinduism either. That's for fucking Brahmin morons! They are all brain-dead"


"I dont know. They are all full of garbage. I dont understand their extreme fanaticism towards this religion. It is just another fucking religion with full of bullshit if you analyze it carefully "

"Every religion falls in that category"

"Of course. I never said other religions are better."

"Why do you like Jesus?"

"I told you, bitch. He realized that we are all sinners including Jesus himself"

"He never said, he was a sinner as far as I know"

"He was born and brought up here. He did not die as a newborn. Right?"


"I dont see how can anyone have a life without doing sins. It is as simple as that"

"What do you mean?"

"Did he eat meat or fish ever?"

"He may have"

"Is that not a sin? Killing animals and eating them? Everyone wants to live. Nobody has a right to kill other life whether it is animal or bacteria. So, Jesus can not be someone who never committed any sin because he was surviving in the world"

"People might get offended"

"I know. I have nothing against him. All I am saying is it is impossible to live without committing sins. It is possible only if you die as a newborn"

"People those who born and die as newborn are not sinners at least?"

"They did not harm anybody yet, right? Knowingly?"

"So, according to you, you harm someone unknowingly, it is not a sin?"

"Well, thats what I think. You are going for jogging. You step on a bug and killing it but you did not know you killed that. How can anybody can blame you?"

"I see, what you mean"

 "Here is a situation. I was in the Coffee room, two girls in the next conference room.They were screaming. I went in, and checked what the hell is going on.  it was Michelle and Lisa. They were screaming because there was a cockroach on the floor.. Michelle is saying, "Oh my God, it is disgusting". She wanted to get rid of it. I had to step on it and kill that. I did it saying I am murdering a poor life today"

"You killed it?" 

"I stepped on it and killed it. The point is, not about killing. The reaction from Michelle. She was keep saying it is DISGUSTING. I was thinking it is just another being in the earth. Some cockroach might find that attractive and make love with that. But for humans like Michelle, it is disgusting. May be cockroach will find Michelle as disgusting monster. We dont care about what a cockroach is thinking. You should have seen her reaction"

"People will laugh at you if you say cockroach might find Michelle a disgusting monster" 

"Do I care?"

"Of course you dont"

"Thats what white people did during slavery. They found black people as disgusting. They treated them like animals. Right? But they had sex with some black girls and had mixed race children"

"Ha ha ha"

"It is happening even in India. The so called high class guy will not mind having sex with so called low class girls. I never understand this"

"What about untouchability?"

"According to this idiots, fucking is not touching. It is just fucking I guess"

"Ha ha ha, you are hilarious"

"It is true, they wont touch the low-class people, find disgusting but they will fuck them. IDIOTS!!"

"What will they say if you ask them?"

"I dont fucking know. They may say, they dont know what is fucking. They will come up with some lies. They can't think. I told you, they are all brain-dead!"

-to be continued

Relax please

Thursday, August 13, 2020

மீ டூ காலம்! என்னடி எப்படி இருக்க? (31)


Russia Approves Coronavirus Vaccine Before Completing Tests.

The country became the first in the world to approve a possible vaccine against the virus, despite warnings from the global authorities against cutting corners.


Kamala Harris is Biden's running mate as VP!!


சைனா வெற்றிகரமாக கொரோனா வைரஸ் பரவுவதை கண்ட்ரோல் பண்ணிட்டாங்க. 

அதேபோல் இந்தியா, அமெரிக்காவால் செய்ய முடியவில்லை. 


 ரெண்டு பேரு ஓடினால் ஒருத்தந்தான் ஜெயிப்பான். தோற்றவன் தோல்வியை ஏற்றூக் கொள்வானா? 

இல்லை, தான் தோத்தற்கு காரணம்னு பல சாக்குகள் சொல்வானா? நம்ம மக்களிடம் பார்க்கலாம், ஏதாவது சாக்கு சொல்லுவானுக. 

 அதுவும் சைனா இந்தியானு வந்தால், இந்தியாவில் சுதந்திரம் அதிகம் இவன் தாலினு எதையாவது சொல்லுவானுக.

உண்மை என்னனா சைனா எல்லா வகையிலும் இந்தியாவைவிட உயர்வான நிலையில் இருக்கிறது. அதுதான் உண்மை. இதை யாரு கொஞ்சம் கூட ஒத்துக்க மாட்டானுகனு பார்த்தால் நம்ம ஊரு பார்பான்கள்தான்!

 நம்ம ஊர் பார்ப்பனர்கள் என்னவோ வெஜிடேரியன் சாப்பிட்டால்தான் சிந்ந்தனைகள் வளரும், சாதிக்கலாம் என்பதுபோல் ஒரு போலி இமேஜை உருவாக்கி இருக்கானுக. 

சைனாவையும் இந்தியாவையும் எடுத்துக் கோங்க, டெக்னாலஜி, சயண்ஸ், கடின உழைப்பு எல்லாவற்றிலுமே சைனீஸ் நம்ம ஊர் பார்ப்பானுகளவிட உயர்ந்த நிலையில்தான் இருக்காங்க. 

என்ன யு எஸ் வந்து அமெரிக்க கம்பெணிக்கு அடிமை வேலை செய்வதில் வேணா நம்ம பார்ப்பான்கள் முன்னிலையில் இருக்கலாம். அந்தக்காலத்தில் ப்ரிடிஷ்க்கு  உதவியதாக சொல்றானுக. அதேபோல் தான் இன்றும்.

 ஒரிஜினல் ஐடியா பெரிய சாதனைகள் என்றூ பார்த்தால் சைனீஸ் உடன் போட்டி போட முடியாது.

இன்னைக்கு கொரோனா வைரஸ் வாக்சின் தயாரிப்பில்கூட சைனா முன்னிலையில் இருக்கு. ஆனால் நம்ம ஊர் திராவிட கைக்கூலிகள் மட்டும்தான் பார்ப்பனர்கள் அறிவாளி என்பதுபோல் ஒரு இமேஜை உருவாக்கி விட்டுட்டானுக, உலக அளவில் இவனுக இடம் என்ன என்றெல்லாம் சிந்திக்கத் தெரியாத காட்டுமிராண்டிகள்தான் நம்ம திராவிட கைக்கூலிகள்.

The fact is, we could not compete with China. They beat us fair and square in everything. What are you going to do about it? I know you will come up with all kind of bullshit justification and you will never admit that you are inferior to them ever. But YOU ARE!


 "Let us talk some chemistry, Caro!"

"Started again? Huh"

"You know, G N Lewis?"

"Lewis acid bases? Is that him?"

"Yes. Not only that he only came up with the idea of Lewis dot structures and Octet rule, I believe"

"Made a quite a few impressive contributions"

"People say he committed suicide"


"He was not awarded Nobel prize for his contributions in chemistry and so he was upset they say"

"Hmm. How did he kill himself?"

"He took HCN or KCN"

"But every chemist says his name today"

"Yes! What does it tell you?"


"People always worry about what others think of them. They lack self confidence. Even great chemists like G N Lewis. He was nominated for Nobel Prize for 41 times but never was awarded"


"I dont know what it is. But he could not win Nobel Prize. Big fucking deal"

"Even great people have this kind of weakness"

"Committing suicide because someone or some committee did not give you what you deserve?!!Come on!"

"I guess so"

"Nobody gets what they deserve. That's life"

"Which is more dangerous. potassium cyanide or hydrogen cyanide?"

"Well, both has Cyanide ion. That's the poisonous part. Potassium cyanide is a white solid. You can avoid accidentally feeding yourself with KCN. But Hydrogen cyanide is a gas. You can inhale it without your knowledge and die accidentally. The latter is dangerous"

"How can anyone inhale accidentally?"

"It is quite possible. Even scientists can make such mistakes in the lab. Suppose you are washing a glassware which had KCN in it. You are also washing another glassware which had sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid  in it. If you mix sulfuric acid with KCN for cleaning or whatever, you generate HCN gas. You could accidentally inhale, that can kill you!"

"Did G N Lewis accidentally inhaled HCN?"

"That's what people thought in the beginning when he died in his lab. Later they came up with this suicide theory. Either way, he should have known better"


 "Nobody is perfect. Most of us are just lucky"


"I got a package today!"

"Where from?"

"Sams club! It is YOU who ordered and asked them to deliver here"

"Yeah, I liked it. I thought I can buy you one"

"It is a big clock"

"Do you like it, Caro?"

"Of course. But too early for Christmas?"

"Well, one does not need to wait for Christmas to buy a gift. It is not that expensive"

"How shall I thank you?"

"Just put up with me. Will you?"

"Ha ha ha"

"Whats so funny?"

"I thought you would ask for something else?'

"Like what?"

"I dont know. It is weird that you are saying to tolerate you. I always enjoy your company"

"So far"

"Dont start again!"

"You said you wont talk to me for a while or something?"


"I thought let me buy my gift earliest. Because we may not be together during Christmas."


"Ha ha ha" 


"Because it is very common in India. Girls fall in love with a guy and hang out together, then when it comes to marriage, they will usually marry someone who is acceptable for their family. They separate love and marriage as two different things"



"Why do they do that?"

"Idk, thats what very common. It is not always a girl's fault. It could be guy's too. Love usually breaks and marriage lasts very long and strong"

"It is uncommon here. You know that, Right?"

"Yes but you need to know the other side of the world too. They live very happy married life"

"How does it work?"

"Love is all about emotions and talking nonsense but marriage is all about commitments and realistic, I think"

"Is that not wrong?"

"Idk, but it happens a lot and people move on"

"I need to get a girl's perspective on this. I will talk to Suneeta"

"Good idea. You did not hear this from me"

"No, I will tell her that I heard from you."

"Fine, I dont dont give a fuck  whatever she thinks of me"


"I am not G N Lewis. I know what life is all about"

"What is it?"

"I figured mine. You need to figure out yours"

"You can teach me what you learned"

"For free?"

"I will pay in the bed?'


"I will make some special love with bonus"

"ha ha ha"

-to be continued

Relax please



Sunday, August 9, 2020

மீ டூ காலம்! என்னடி எப்படி இருக்க? (30)


Coronavirus infections: 

USA: 5 million infections. Deaths: 163,000

India: 2.15 million infections; Deaths: 43,000

Spain, Italy and UK: The curve flattened. India beat all the three countries in death count. 


Fall ல எடுக்கப்போறேன். ஆனால் இந்தப் பாடம் கஷ்டமான ஒண்ணு னு Summer ல ஒரு மாணவன் அல்லது மாணவி சொல்லும்போது நான் சொல்லும் அறிவுரை. 

சரி இப்போவே சம்மர்லயே இதைப் படிக்க ஆரம்பிச்சுடு. உனக்கு நெறையா நேரம் இருக்கு. ப்ரெஷர் கிடையாது. உனக்கு நான் சொல்லித்தர்ரேன். க்விஸ் கொடுக்கிறேன். ஹோம் வொர்க் தர்ரேன். சேலஞ்சிங் ப்ராப்ளம் தர்ரேன்.  உன்னை இப்போவே ரெடி ஆக்கி விடுகிறேன். ஃபால்ல கிளாஸ் ஆரம்பிக்கும்போது உனக்கு எல்லாமே தெரிஞ்சதா இருக்கும். நீ ஈசியா "ஏ" க்ரேட் வாங்கிடலாம். 

ஆனால் இதுபோல் அறிவுரைகள் மாணவர்களிடம் வொர்க் அவ்ட் ஆவதில்லை. நாம் சொல்லும் அறிவுரையை தட்டிக் கழித்துவிட்டு கடைசி நேரத்தில் வந்து இது புரியலைனு அது புரியலைனு ஒரு பேசிக் கான்சப்ட்டை வந்து கேட்டுக்கொண்டு நிக்கும்ங்க. 24  மணி நேரத்தில் நான் எல்லாத்தையும் கத்துக்கணும்னு நிக்கும்ங்க. எல்லாம் சரி உன்னால கத்துக்க முடியும். ஆனால் என்னால சொல்லிக்கொடுக்க முடியாது. வேற ஆளப் பாருனு அனுப்பி வச்சிடுவேன்.

அமெரிக்காவைப் பொறுத்தவரையில் ஒரு பாடத்தை முன்னாலேயே படிப்பது கூட ச்சீட்டிங் cheating னு சொல்லுவானுக. செமஸ்டர் ஆரம்பிக்கும் முன்னாலேயே சிலபஸ் கொடு, என்ன புக் வாங்கனும் னு ஒரு மாணவன் கேட்டா கொடுக்க மாட்டானுக. 

சரி, ஒரு டெஸ்ட் எழுதி அதை திருத்தி கொடுக்கும்போது கூட கொடுத்த ஆன்ஸ்வர் ஷீட்டை, திருப்பி வாங்கிக்குவானுக? ஏன்? அதை நானே வச்சுக்கிட்டா என்ன? நான் என்ன தப்பு செய்தேன்னு தெரிந்து கொண்டு அதை சரி செய்யணும்னு சொன்னால் அதையெல்லாம் பத்தி கவலையே படமாட்டானுக. ஏன்னா இதே கேள்விகளத்தான் அடுத்த செமஸ்டர் மாணவனுக்கு கொடுப்பானுக. புதுசா ஒரு செட் கேள்விகள் தயாரிக்க சோம்பேறித்தனம். மல்டிப்பிள் சாய்ஸ் கேள்விகள் தயாரிக்கிறேன்னு சரியான பதில் போக மற்ற 4 பதில்களும் அறிவியல் படுகொலை செய்த பதிலா இருக்கும்.

 ஒருத்தர் புரிதல் கொஞ்சம் ஸ்லோவாக இருந்தால், பொறுமையாக சொல்லிக் கொடுக்க எவனுக்கும் நேரமில்லை. பாடம் நடுத்துறேன்னு சும்மா பவர்ப் பாயிண்ட்டை போட்டு ஒரு நாளைக்கு ஒரு தலைப்புனு முடிச்சுட்டுப் போயிடுவானுக. சிலபஸை கரெக்ட்டாக முடிச்சுடுவானுக. முக்கியமான கான்சப்ட்டைக்கூட ஒழுங்கா சொல்லிக் கொடுக்க மாட்டானுக. புரியலைனா அது மாணவர்களின் பிரச்சினை. இல்லை ட்யூட்டர் வச்சுக்கோ. பணக்காரங்க ப்ரைவேட் ட்யூட்டர் வச்சுக்குவாங்க. ஏழைகள்? அதைப் பத்தி எல்லாம் எனக்கு கவலை இல்லை. அது உன் பிரச்சினை.

ஒரிஜினல் ஐடியா வளரணும்னு வளரணும்னு எல்லாம் சொல்லுவானுக. ஆனால் இவன் படிச்சு ஹார்வேட்ல இல்லை எம் ஐ டி ல ப்ரஃபெஸர் ஆனதும் எவன் ஐடியாவையாவது திருடி அதை பாலிஷ் பண்ணி ஹார்வேட் ப்ராடக்ட், அல்லது எம் ஐ டி ப்ராடக்ட்னு வித்துடுவானுக. வெக்கமே இல்லாமல் செய்வானுக. இவனுக மாரல்ஸ் எல்லாம் புரியாத புதிர். ஃபேஸ் புக் எப்படி உருவாக்கினான்னு பாருங்க. முன்னேறனும், காசு பண்ணனும் அதுக்காக குறூக்கு வழியில் போனாலும் தப்பில்லை. ஃபேஸ் புக் ஒண்ணும் யுனீக் எல்லாம் கெடையாது. அதை அமெரிக்கர்களுக்குத்தான் விற்க தெரியும். இந்தியா மாதிரி மூளை மழுங்கிய மக்கள்தான் அதை வாங்கி அதே பிழைப்புனு ஓட்டுவானுக. இதில் அமெரிக்காவை திட்ட வேற செய்வானுக.

 கொரோனா வைரஸ் வாக்சின்கூட ரஷ்யா, சைனா, அமெரிக்கானு இவர்களா கண்டுபிடிக்க முயல்வது ஒரு பக்கம். இன்னொரு பக்கம் இவன் என் ஐடியாவை திருடிட்டான் னு ஒருவரை ஒருவர் ஹேக் செய்றான்னு கூச்சல். யாரு கண்டுபிடிச்சா என்னடா? மனிதனை காப்பாத்தனும் என்பதுபோல் பெரிய மனுஷனா தத்துவம் நடிப்பானுக. ஆனால் இதை வைத்து எத்தனை பில்லியன் சம்பாரிக்கலாம் என்பதுதான் இவனுக கணக்கு.

ஆட்டு மந்தை மாரி இவனுக என்ன செய்தாலும் அதான் சரினு ஃபாலோ பண்ண உலகம் இருப்பதால் இவனுகதான் ராஜா.


"Caro! I checked him out carefully"

"The sex offender guy? Your friend?"


"Tell me"

"He was pleading guilty of those charges"

"The charges are?"

"It is unbelievable! That girl is just a child only. 14-year old kid. He contacted a 14 year old girl through on-line and he met her, he has had sex with that girl. He has given alcohol to her. And the relationship has lasted for 2 years"

"OMG 14-year old girl? That guy is really sick"

"How did not he know what he is doing is wrong!!!"

"I really think he is a pedophile"

 "I agree. She is a child"

"How old was he?" 

"In his thirties, I believe"

"How could he do that?"

"The defense lawyer was a woman. She was arguing that when he was a child his biological parents has abused him. Locked him up in a room for a long time and made him cry. They were not good it seems. He was taken away from them by the social workers when he was 10. Then his parents, the couple who adopted him, and brought him up. But the abuse he went through is the reason for this behavior. That's defense argument"

"He may have been abused by his parents but Idt that argument will save him"

"It did not. Seems like he is locked up now for multiple years"

"It is not that hard to understand that the girl is a child"

"True. But why do parents abuse children?"

"They are ignorant or may be drug addicts. I really dont know"

"I dont even like grounding children. Any kind of punishment like you cant touch this toy for such and such time. You have to sit and not talk for 2 hours and such punishments. It hurts them badly at the young age. They should not do that. Honestly spanking them is OK. Just tell them not to do and let them go, play. If they do the mistake again, again tell them and forgive them. They will learn eventually"

"You are against any kind of grounding?"

"I hate that. There is nothing like that in Indian culture. Honestly, it affects them psychologically" 

"I dont know"

"See, an adult can drink alcohol, smoke, talk dirty, have sex in front of children in this culture. Parents do that. Right?"

"Yes, some parents"

"Parents have huge responsibility. Why do we have to forgive them for not being careful around children?"

"They are taking away the children if they are abused"

"That does not help those children or the parents"


"This guy was taken away from his parents at 10-year old. But see how he ended up now? They did not save him."

"How about in India?"

"Idk about others I was never abused by my parents ever"

"Your mom and dad never punished you?"

"My dad never did but my mom used to spank me a lot because I was hyperactive and did do things which are kind of dangerous"

"Such punishments did not affect you?"

"It never did. I knew my mom loved me more than anything. I never had any doubts"

"May be it depends on who you are"

"I always think, I am lucky. I had good parents. Unlike this guy"

"So you think the parents screwed up him to become what he is now?"

"Idk. I dont like the way they are parenting in this culture."

"You are saying here people do not know how to bring up their children?"

"I strongly believe so"


"First of all, most of the fathers have sex and have children and go after another girl. Especially in the blue-collar or working class families. The children are brought up by only one parent. And the single parent has financial difficulties, frustrations and what not. Here is where the problem is"

 "If the parents are abusive, they take away the children"

 "I am not sure that really helps those children. rowing up in foster care is worse in my humble opinion"

 "It works for some children"

"I suppose. Another thing I heard, when a child complains to the parents that such an such child beat me in school, the parents tell the child to beat the child back"


"Yes, they do. They should tell the child to complain to the teacher. Telling the child to hit back is plain WRONG! The parents are stupid"


"You know why they dont obey the law? Because they never practiced. They were never told, when there is problem they should complain about it to the authority. They should not find their own solution."

"So it is parents' fault?"

"Of course. The children were never taught properly what is is right and wrong."

 "I see what you mean"

"A sixteen year girl gets pregnant and becoming a mother at 17. As long as she sleeps with another teen, it is not a crime. How many teen mothers we have?'


"How can a teen be a good mother anyway? They are not mature enough, right?"


"Why dont you educate them?"


"Yeah. you. I am serious"

"May be you should"

"I ran away from India because I cant deal with idiots. I dont have that kind of tolerance. Most of the time we know what is the problem and what is the solution and it can not be executed unless the issue is your own. Nobody listens to anybody. I can only solve my problems."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Nobody listens Caro!"


"I dont have that kind of skills like Gandhi or Jesus had. I lack people skill"

"Even they were killed for their preaching. Right?"

"There you go!"

- to be continued

 relax please


Thursday, August 6, 2020

மீ டூ காலம்! என்னடி எப்படி இருக்க? (29)


இந்தியாவில் மக்கள் தொகை ஒரு மிகப் பெரிய பிரச்சினை. தண்ணீர் பஞ்சம் மட்டுமன்றி  எல்லா பஞ்சத்துக்கும் காரணம் மக்கள் தொகை பெருகிக் கொண்டே போவதுதான்.

ஆனால்  யாரும் இதைப் பத்தி கவலைப் படுவதே இல்லை. ஏழைகள்தான் அதிக குழந்தைகள் பெற்றுக் கொள்கிறார்கள். ஜனத்தொகை பெருகுவதை நினைத்து கவலைப் படணும்? அதற்கு என்ன செய்யலாம்?  என்பதை பத்தி எல்லாம் யாருக்கும் எந்தக் கவலையும் இல்லை

எல்லோருமே ஒரு நாளைக்கு சாகத்தான் போறோம். அதுக்காக சாகிற நாளை நினைத்து என்றும் அழவா முடியும்? என்கிற மனப்போக்கு.

உலகமே ஒரு நாள் அழியத்தான் போகுதாம். அதை நினைத்து அழவா முடியும்? என்கிற மனப்போக்கு.

வெள்ளைக்காரன் நம்மை தொடர்ந்து ஆண்டு இருந்தால் ஒரு வேளை இதையெல்லாம் சட்டங்கள் போட்டு கட்டுப் படுத்தி இருப்பான். சட்டதிட்டங்களை ஒழுங்காக அமல்ப் படுத்தி இந்தியாவை காப்பாத்தி இருப்பான்.

இந்த மனநிலை பெரியார் போல் சில சிந்தனையாளர்களுக்கு மட்டு மன்றி இன்றைய ஹாங்காங் மக்கள் கூட வெள்ளைக் காரர்கள் கீழ் ஹாங்காங் இருந்தபோது நல்ல டெமாக்ரசி இருந்தது என்று சிந்திக்கிறாங்க.

வெள்ளைக்காரர்களுக்கு இதுபோல் திறமை உண்டு என்பதை ஒத்துக் கொள்ளணும்.

சுதந்திரம் பெற்று என்ன தாலியை அறுத்தானுகனு பார்த்தா..  ஒரு மயிரும் இல்லை என்பதே உண்மை.

இந்தியர்களின் தனித்திறமையால், ஒரு கம்ப்யூட்டர் மட்டுமல்ல, ஒரு கால்குலேட்டர்கூட உருவாக்க முடியாது. கார், மருத்துகள் போன்றவை அயல்நாட்டு பேட்டன்ட்களை வைத்து அவர்களுக்கு கப்பம் கட்டித்தான் தயாரிக்கிறாங்க. ஒரிஜினலா இந்தியாவில் எதுவுமே செய்யவில்லை என்பதே உண்மை.

சுதந்திரம் பெற்று என்னத்த கிழிச்சுட்டீங்க?னு யோசிக்க எவனுக்கும் மூளையும் கெடையாது.

அடிப்படையிலேயே நம்மிடம் பல குறைபாடுகள் இருக்கு. அதை எப்படி சரி பண்ணுவதென்று தெரியவில்லை.

இவ்வளவு குறைகள் இருந்தும் எவனாவது ஏதாவது சொல்லீட்டான்னா உடனே கோபம் மட்டும் வரும் இவனுகளுக்கு. அப்போவும் உக்காந்து யோசிக்க மாட்டானுக ஈன ஜென்மங்கள்!

ட்விட்டர், முக நூல், ப்ளாகர், வாட்ஸப், அமசான் எல்லாமே அயல் நாட்டுக்கு கப்பம் கட்டும் அத்தியாவிசங்கள்தான். இவையெல்லாம் தவிர்க்க முடியாத அளவுக்கு நம்ம தேசபக்தர்களும் ஆயிட்டாங்க.

ஆனா வாயைக் கேளு! பெரிய புடுங்கியாட்டம் பேசுவானுக மரமண்டைகள்!


"Who is next?"

"What do you mean bitch?"

"After Brigham Young, whom do you want to rip next?"

"The fact is..I dont understand lots of things. I bring up them now and then and try understand."

"Why cant you just live? Why do you care about issues which cant be controlled by us? "

"What are you going to say next? Let me guess "Don't think. Thinking wont help" huh?"

"I am saying the world has lots of flaws. Those can not be fixed by us"

"You are correct. We should ignore all these and do what?"

"Something worthy."

"Like what? Like fucking I guess?"

"Ha ha ha Good idea"

"I dont like sex anymore"

"Really? Why? Am I not hot enough for you? Look at my ass"

"Nice but sex is boring"

"Dont worry I will make it more interesting?"

"How will you do that?

"I cant tell you the details but I promise I will"


"I am not going to let you fuck me for a while. Make you starve for sex"

"Are you going to make me miss you?"


"How do you do that, bitch?"

"I wont talk to you. I wont respond  to your texts. I will just ignore you"

"Can I come see your ass at least?'


"Can I call you and say "I love you" "


"Fuck you, Caro!"

"Ha ha ha You cant fuck me. That's the whole idea"

"May be I will find another chick"

"Well,  she wont be as interesting as me."

"Dont get cocky bitch"

"I am not"

"Anyway, I watched Dr. Foster in netflix"

"What is it about?"

"Love, marriage, mid-life crisis, affair, cheating betrayal. It is an English story, released by BBC. With British accent and all"

"Was it good?"

"Watchable, I would say"

"What is mid-life crisis?"

"You know what it is. Couple get bored with routine life and look for some "fresh air" outside of the relationship. Usually a guy or lady will fall in love with someone younger. An unmarried person "

"Why do they get bored with each other?"

"There is nothing new to learn from each other, I suppose"

"Are you trying to justify mid-life crisis or what?"

"I am trying to understand. Why it is happening?"

"Tell me about it in Dr. Foster"

"The couple have a teenage son. She is a physician and her Husband is doing some real estate business or something. Their sex life seems to be going fine. He is having an affair with 23-year old girl. The couple are in their early forties. She started suspecting and spying and learning who is that girl. He denies it"

"Why is he denying it?"

"I don't know but he is lying to her even after she asked him straight. The funny thing is people around her are all sort of helping him."


"Idk, they make her look not so good either"

"Is she bad?"

"Not sure. She is a workaholic I guess. They try, justify the affair I believe"

"Who is the creator?"

"Mike Bartlett,"

"A MAN!!!"

" So you can see why he justifies. All men are bastards, you know"

"Ha ha ha"

"Why do you laugh bitch?"

"Thanks for being extremely honest about your kind"

"Some women are still naive. They think that  their husbands are exception. Stupid bitches"

"May be they are"

"I dont think so. They are just stupid. What will you do if I have an affair, Caro?"

"I dont know"

"Will you divorce me?"

"It depends on our situation"

"Strictly business, huh?"

"We are not married yet? It is hypothetical situation. Right?"

"Yeah, we have not got bored with each other yet"

"You will never get bored with me. Why dont you marry me?"

"Why dont you marry me, bitch?

"I will."


"I think you are dependable. You are compassionate and you care. I can trust you"

"Is that all you need?"

"What else?"


"Well, your financial assets are just fine"

"I forgot to tell you about this. Check this out"


"I know this guy very well.He is white.  He left my work place few years ago. I just googled his name to learn how he is doing and guess what I found?"

"Tell me"

"He was arrested and kept in correctional facility for sexual offense"

"What did he do?"

"According to the news..He had an affair with a teenage girl and had sex with her and served her alcohol and such"

"I think his life is over!"

"What an idiot! He is a bright guy and he fucked up everything now!"

"He cant mess with teens!"

"He is a white guy, and grew up here. How come he did not know he cant mess with teens even if they initiate everything?"

"Idk but he is done. his career and fun life are over"

"They say they are doing some assessment on him to decide how much he is fucked-up"

"What do they do to assess?"

"I think they will show him some images (probably pornographic) and study his arousal and such. I think he is fucked. He should not get aroused for some images"


"I wonder what if the shrinks who analyze him get aroused?"

"Ha ha ha"

"I am serious. Even doctors are fucked up. Right?"

"How do you know this guy anyway?"

"He was working in the same floor and has helped me when I had some issues with my newly-bought computer. I was shocked to see him in orange dress and he is listed as a sex offender"

"You dont really know who he is"

"Well, he was nice and helpful"

"He was good for you but.."

"But what?"

"Just because you say hi to someone, who is not your friend..Also, people dont realize what they are doing is a serious crime!"

"Why is he having sex with a teen? He should have known better. An educated guy and fucked up his whole life. America is a dangerous place. Lots of people do not realize that"

"He served her alcohol? To a teen?!!"

"Seems like. Well that's what the news say. It says he had some child pornographic images in his possession or something. Not sure whether he had taken naked photos of the teen and had it in his phone or computer. The girl is apparently considered as a child?"

"She is a minor. Not sure she is considered as a child"

"I told you, an Indian doctor fucked up like this. Had sex with his patient, a teen."

"Yeah I remember"

"Well, people born and brought up here also run into trouble like this"

"They may be sick"

"Idk, I am not judging anybody here. He is a poor bastard. Why cant he find girl in twenties?"

"I dont know"

"How old are you, Caro?"

"Ha ha ha. I am not a teen"

"May be I am abusing you, Caro?"

"You are not."

"Verbally and physically as well. I spank your ass"

"Ha ha ha, I like it"

"May be you are lying?"

"You are not abusing me.  Even if you are, you can get away with it. Because I am an adult"

"So, people in their twenties can be abused by older guys? Once they become twenty, their brain started working differently? That's bullshit'

"Good question.The law is not perfect.  It has flaws"

"We created the law? Bunch of white guys?. Then we say the law is above all of us?"


"Just like God I guess."

"Did we create God?"

"Of course. There was law when black people were abused and lynched in this country. They were treated like animals. The law allowed that. The law allowed segregation. The law allowed racial discrimination."


"So, the law is keep changing"

"I guess so"

"I am not justifying what he did. I am just trying to analyze "the law" "

"We just have to follow the current law I guess"

"I know"

- to be continued

Relax please

Monday, August 3, 2020

மீ டூ காலம்! என்னடி எப்படி இருக்க? (28)


அமெரிக்கர்கள் எல்லாம் வீரர்கள். உயிருக்கு பயந்த கோழைகள் இல்லை. இந்த சாதாரண வைரஸ் எங்களை என்ன செய்துவிட முடியும்னு அதனுடன் மல்லுக்கு நிக்கிறாங்க.  அமெரிக்காவில் கொரோனா வைரஸ் இந்தளவுக்கு பரவியதற்கு காரணம், அமெரிக்கர்கள் பயந்து பயந்து வாழ விரும்பவில்லை என்பதே காரணம்.

வெள்ளைக்காரன்னா புத்திசாலிகள். வாழத் தெரிந்தவர்கள். மூடப்பழக்க வழக்கங்களில் நம்பிக்கை இல்லாதவர்கள்னு நீங்க ஏதாவது கற்பனை பண்ணி இருந்தால், அமெரிக்கர்களைப் பத்தி தெரிஞ்சுக்கோங்க.

மாரல்ஸ் எல்லாமே பண அடிப்படையில்தான். ஒரு பக்கம் சிகரெட்டை ஒழிக்கணும்ம்னு போராடுவதுபோல் போராடுவாங்க. இன்னொரு பக்கம் கஞ்சாவை லீகலைஸ் செய்தால் எவ்வளவு சம்பாரிக்கலாம்னு கணக்குப் போடுவாங்க.

இப்போ நம்ம ஊரிலேயே மதுவிலக்கை ஏன் எந்த ஒரு அரசாங்கமும் அமல்படுத்த மாட்டேன்கிறது? முக்கிய வருமானமே அதிலிருந்துதான் வருது.
ஆக பாவப்பணம்தான் நாடுகளை வாழ வைக்கிது. இன்டஸ்ட்ரியல் ரெவொலுஷந்தான் இன்றைய கேன்சர்களுக்கு காரணம். ஜெனட்டிக் ரெவொலுஷனுடைய விளைவுகள நாம் இன்னும் காணவில்லை.

ஆக அடிப்படை பிரச்சினை யாருனு மனிதர்களும் அவர்கள் வாழ வழிவகுக்கும் வழிமுறகளும்தான் அவன் அழிவுக்கு வித்திடுகிறது. இதையெல்லாம் யோசிக்க எவனுக்கும் நேரமில்லை. People are busy making money for survival! Or watching porn! Or drinking for relaxing!

Work! Money! Sex! These are the three things  drive everyone's life!


"Hey! I was reading about Brigham Young, the Prophet"

"What about him?"

"Well, He was believing in polygamy and such"

"Go on, I am not a mormon"

"Brigham Young had too many wives..I think 55 or so. I dont understand. Why do all women marry one guy as if there are no other men in the world?

"He was a Prophet. A powerful guy."

"What do you mean by powerful guy, Caro? Did he have multiple dicks? Can he fuck 10 women at a time or what?"

"Ha ha ha"

"I am serious bitch. What the fuck you mean by powerful guy?"

"First of all, I am not defending him or mormons' life style'"

"I know"

"He had lots of followers. People respected him. He could make lots of people to believe in him"

"Hmm. Actually, I was thinking more rationally"


"I was thinking..May be, there were lots of women and only few men in their place and, that made them to marry several women?"

"I really dont know. I dont think that was the reason for marrying several women"

"He did not force them. Right?"

"I think they are all wanted to marry him"

"Thats fucking crazy. Dont you think women dug their own grave and now blaming men for that?"

"That's your perspective"

"Should we blame him or we should blame the women who married him?"

"I think we should keep off from this affair. It is their problem"

"Even in India, women believe in these kinds of "human Gods".I have seen guys who married several women in India"


"Marry one women. Have children. Then leave her. And marry another young woman and live with her and have children and then marry another woman. Besides that they sleep with some whores too. I know men like that"

"Is he a powerful guy"

"Of course. Had money and muscle power and political power as well"

"So, you have seen Brigham Young kind in India?"

"Yes, I did know such a guy when I was growing up. In  my own hometown. I also know his wives used to sleep around as well. They have needs, you see"


"I dont know. People have needs. Not just men. Women too. Men are stupid and weak"

"Ha ha ha.  Are you saying men are weaker sex?"

"Of course, they are indeed"

"Like what?"

"Let us a take you and me. You are a hot white bitch. Suppose you are really really horny. Want to get laid. I think you can easily tempt me to go to bed and get what you wanted. I am just an easy prey for bitch like you"

"Ha ha ha"

"I am serious. Also, if I am in your situation, you can also say, "No" and justify "No means no" You see, I am weaker than you "

"Stop it. You do know how to seduce me and get what you want"

"I never seduced you"

"You turn me on when you call me white bitch."




"I dont know why. I like it"

"Why do you like it?"

"Somehow it makes me feel that I am special to you. Thats why I let you treat me like your whore"


"I think you are trying to seduce me by calling white bitch"

"I thought you would dump me for calling you like that"

"Try something else. This wont work. I think I told this several times"

"There was something else about that guy"



"What is it?"

"He believed that slavery is not wrong. What kind of Prophet he was?!!"


"Thats what they say. He justified slavery..

Young said in an 1852 speech, “In as much as we believe in the Bible ... we must believe in slavery. This colored race have been subjected to severe curses ... which they have brought upon themselves

 Young stated: "Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so

"What can I say?"

"Well, he stinks just like any other religious goon"

"Of course, there is no exception. But it continues"

"They quote bible and holy books but they dont understand very basic things that we should treat others they way we wish  to be treated"

"I dont understand this either"

"Religion never allows people to think, Caro! They become stupider and stupider following religion and prophets like this"

"It was long time ago"

"It does not matter how long ago. They knew how to treat their own people. They only dont know how to treat others fairly. All these praying and preaching are TOTAL WASTE"

-to be continued

Relax please