வீட்டு வேலைகளை மனைவியே செய்யணும் என்று நம்பும் உதவாக்கரை ஆண்களே மனைவிக்கு அதிகமாக காம சுகம் அளித்து அப்பகுதியில் மனைவியை "குளிர வைத்து" மனைவியை அதிகம் திருப்தி படுத்துகிறார்கள் என்பதுபோல் அமைகிறது இந்த புள்ளி விபரம்!
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வீட்டுவேலை செய்யும் கணவன் |
சிலர் இந்த புள்ளி விபரத்திற்கு பின்னூட்டமிட்டு இருக்காங்க!Why Husbands Who Share Household Chores Miss Out on Sex
In what feels like a blow to egalitarianism, new research finds that husbands and wives who assign housework along traditional gender lines have more sex than those who split the chores more equitably.
After reviewing data on how married couples in the U.S. tackle housework, as well as self-reports of how often they enjoyed intercourse, sociologists at the University of Washington (UW) say that couples who shared the burden of chores — cooking, cleaning and caring for the lawn — tend to have the least active sex lives.
The couples reported having sex about five times in the month before the survey began. But if the husband did no stereotypically female tasks (making meals, perhaps, or scrubbing floors), couples had sex 1.6 times more per month than couples in which husbands were responsible for doing all of those chores. Couples where the husband contributed to household chores, but stuck to the more stereotypically male tasks (car maintenance, bill paying, yard work) had sex .7 times more than those where the wife did all the male work.
That means that couples where husbands do no traditionally female tasks have sex the most: 4.85 times a month. Conversely, couples where men do all the female work have sex the least: 3.3 times a month.
The couples where husbands pitch in but do only the male tasks, fall somewhere in between; they’re sliding between the sheets 4.7 times a month. Meanwhile, couples where wives do all the male tasks have sex just under four times a month.
(MORE: Why Men in Female-Centric Professions Spend More Time on ‘Guy’ Chores)
Overall, couples put in a combined 34 hours a week on traditionally female tasks compared to 17 hours on manly chores. Husbands performed about a fifth of classic women’s work and more than half of men’s work.
The findings, drawn from 4,500 heterosexual married U.S. couples participating in the National Survey of Families and Households, add some context to other studies that have found that husbands get more sex when they do more housework — a kind of domestic quid pro quo. But those conclusions didn’t quite ring true for Julie Brines, a co-author of the new study published in the American Sociological Review. She and her colleagues have done work suggesting that the division of housework doesn’t align with an “exchange model” where chores are traded for a share of income, for example, or sex.
Instead, Brines surmised that the relationship between sex and housework is actually far more complex. In actuality, it’s tied to stereotypical views of what qualifies as women’s — or men’s — work. And despite progress toward gender equality, “These are residues of sexual scripts that have been in place in our culture for a long time,” she says.
(MORE: Working Moms Multitask More Than Dads — and Like It Less)
And what about the more important responsibility for couples with a family? This study did not take into account childcare as a household chore — most commonly performed by women but increasingly embraced by men — because the data used did not contain useful information about who cares for the kids. No one, notes Brines, has yet looked at whether dads who do more childcare get more sex.
It’s also worth pointing out that the national survey data was collected between 1992 and 1994, but Brines and her co-authors saythat the relationship between sex and housework has changed little since then. Research reveals only a modest evolution in the division of household labor over the past 18 years — mainly in the realm of childcare, with more dads stepping up.
Still, for the husbands who might be feeling smug about the results of her study, Brines has a bit of advice. “Don’t walk away from this research thinking, I should stay away from cooking or cleaning because I’ll benefit from it,” she cautions. “There may be costs associated with doing that.”
After all, a great sex life isn’t everything. Other research has found that neglecting to pitch in with dinner prep may create conflict in your marriage around the division of household labor. Men who shun cooking and cleaning can actually engender marital conflict which could also result in less sex. “There are trade-offs,” says Brines. And that’s putting it mildly.
1) It sucks but it's true in my house. I think that when women do more of a traditional role in the house hold they also are more to concent to having sex with their husband. When the husband does more of the house work in the home, it's like it empowers the women not to have to consent to having sex with her husband when he wants it.
Well it's a problem cause if I'm not getting it from her I'll have to get it from someone else :}
2) Women might not realize it or want to admit it, but they are not attracted to men that do household chores. They might appreciate it, but they do not get turned on.
The kind of men that scrub floors and do laundry are the types of men that get cheated on and dominated by their spouses. Women can yell and scream at me, but their dark inner selves like masculine men. For a masculine man that seizes his role in the household, women will fill their role. This includes cleaning, cooking, etc. more than the man. (Not exclusively, just more.)
This is not based on "stereotypes." Pull your head out of your butt. These instincts are built into us just like in any other species. We are animals, remember?
3) I can tell you why they get less sex, it is because they keep a tally of who does the most housework. For twenty years I did all of the housework, everything. Then I got a job traveling and my husband had to take over household chores while I was gone. From that point forward our marriage started falling apart. He complained every step. I traveled hundreds of miles every Friday and Monday to be with him but when I was home all he did was complain about any little mess I made. He complained that i was tired, duh! I'm home now and my husband continues to do housework but believe me he keeps tally. If I don't do the same amount of work as he does he pouts. I guess the twenty years I worked and did all the housework counted for nothing. Oh yea I really look forward to having sex with this jerk.
மனைவிகளை பொறுத்தவரையில் நீ பொறுப்பா வீட்டுவேலை செய்தால் போதும்! செக்ஸ்லாம் எனக்கு ரெண்டாவதுதான் என்றுதான் சொல்வார்கள்?!
அதெல்லாம் ஒவ்வொரு மனைவியை பொறுத்ததுனு விட்டுடுவோம்! :) நம்ம எதுக்கு எதுவும் சொல்ல?
வீட்டுவேலைகளை செய்யும் ஆண்களை அவரது மனைவிகள் ஒரு வேலைக்காரன் கன்னோட்டத்தில் பார்க்க நேரிடலாம் அடுத்து இவன் வீட்டில் தானே இருக்கிறான் ஆகையால் இவனை இம்ப்ரஸ் செய்ய அவர்கள் முயர்ச்சிக்காமல் இருக்கலாம்.
ஒரு ஆண் மாலை வீடுதிரும்பும்போது மனைவியை மயக்க மல்லிகை பூ வும் அல்வாவும் வாங்கிவருவான் ஒரு மனைவி கணவனை மயக்க என்ன வாங்கிவருவாள் ?
***வாங்கிவருவான் ஒரு மனைவி கணவனை மயக்க என்ன வாங்கிவருவாள் ? ***
வயாகரா பில்ஸும், சில போர்னோக்ராஃபி வீடியோவும்?? :))))
இவைகள்தான் ஆம்பளைங்களுக்கு வொர்க் ஆகும்! But women would not do that! :)
செக்ஸில் குரைவைத்தால் அவன் கணவனே அல்ல! அப்புறம் என்ன நல்ல கணவனா?
திருமணம் செய்வதே செக்ஸ்ஸுக்குத்தான்.கல்யாணம் minus செக்ஸ், என்றால் ஒரு பய/பொண்ணு (99.9 விழுக்காடு), கல்யாணம் பன்னமாட்டங்க!
சிற்றின்பம் மூலம் பேரின்பம் காண்பதே வாழ்கை! இது தான் வாழ்கையை வாழும் கலை என்றும் சொல்லலாம்!
*** நம்பள்கி said...
செக்ஸில் குரைவைத்தால் அவன் கணவனே அல்ல! அப்புறம் என்ன நல்ல கணவனா?
திருமணம் செய்வதே செக்ஸ்ஸுக்குத்தான்.கல்யாணம் minus செக்ஸ், என்றால் ஒரு பய/பொண்ணு (99.9 விழுக்காடு), கல்யாணம் பன்னமாட்டங்க!***
நீங்க ஒரு டாக்டர்.. இப்படி எல்லாம் பேசக்கூடாது.. Women sexual needs and satisfaction is a complicated thing. Men may think they give "enough" and. so "their woman" is happy with what he could give her. But men are generally stupid when it comes to sexual satisfaction of their partner! What they think is not really true most of the time. So, please dont make sweeping statements like this!
எதை வைத்து ஒரு கணவன் செக்சில் குறைவானவன் என்று மனைவியால் கண்டுகொள்ளமுடியும்.அது இருவரின் மன நிலை சம்மந்தபட்ட விசயம் அதுவும் அவர்களின் அப்போதைய உடலின் புத்துணர்ச்சியையும் சூழ்னிலையையும் சார்ந்தது கடினமாக உழைத்து உடல் சக்தி இழந்திருக்கும்போது ஆண்களால் அதிக நேரம் ஈடுபடமுடியாது.
Yeah! That is the way one should say to Indian media. In reality, sex is NOT just an act; it is an "essential act" like eating, shitting, etc..T his is how we look at it. And this is the real statement, and not a sweeping one. This is a huge topic..impossible to discuss here.
If you feel your viewers would be offended, please feel free to delete it.
***புரட்சி தமிழன் said...
எதை வைத்து ஒரு கணவன் செக்சில் குறைவானவன் என்று மனைவியால் கண்டுகொள்ளமுடியும்.***
இது உங்கள் கேள்வி???
***அது இருவரின் மன நிலை சம்மந்தபட்ட விசயம் அதுவும் அவர்களின் அப்போதைய உடலின் புத்துணர்ச்சியையும் சூழ்னிலையையும் சார்ந்தது***
இது உங்க பதில் 1
*** கடினமாக உழைத்து உடல் சக்தி இழந்திருக்கும்போது ஆண்களால் அதிக நேரம் ஈடுபடமுடியாது***
இதுவும் உங்க பதில்தான்.
உங்க கேள்விக்கு நீங்களே பதில்களும் சொல்லீட்டீங்க. ஆளை விடுங்க! :)
///நம்பள்கி said...
Yeah! That is the way one should say to Indian media. In reality, sex is NOT just an act; it is an "essential act" like eating, shitting, etc..T his is how we look at it. And this is the real statement, and not a sweeping one. This is a huge topic..impossible to discuss here.
If you feel your viewers would be offended, please feel free to delete it.///
Yeah, it is a HUGE topic. You can not give a clear picture or answer in a couple of responses of yours. So, just let it go. :)
You did not offend anybody. :)
நாசமா போங்க...எல்லாருந்தான்
ஆமா, நாங்க எல்லாம் நாசமாப் போறோம். அண்ணே சிரிப்பு சிங்காரம் மட்டும் ஒரு 1000 ஆண்டு "நல்லா" வாழட்டும்! :)
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